Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/529

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Falklands, etc.]


1. Batrachospermtjm vagum, Ag. ; Harvey, Manual, p. 119. Lyngb. Hydroph. Dan. t. 44.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn; in an alpine pool.

We cannot distinguish these from British specimens ; an alpine locality is common to both, the English plant having been gathered on the summit of Snowdon.


1 . Draparnaldia pusilla, Hook. fil. et Harv. ; filis perpusillis densissiine csespitosis gelatinosis parce vage ramosis fiexuosis, raniulis perpaucis brevibus apice non setigeris simplicibus, articnlis coloratis luteo-viridibus diametro sub-duplo longioribus. Nobis in Lond. Jo-urn. Bot. vol. iv. p. 296. (Tab. CXC. Fig. II.)

Hab. Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands ; growing on the roots of Crantzia lineata, in fresh-water.

Fila sub £ unc. longa, radices radiculasque submersas vestientia, diametro D. tenuis, cni verosimiliter species afflnis ; differt praecipue fdis rigidioribus ramulisque non setigeris.

We have referred this and the following species to the genus Draparnaldia with little hesitation, from their affinity with D. tennis, Ag. Those naturalists, however, who know the great difficulty of examining such things in a dried state, will best understand the uncertainty which attaches to all determinations of species belonging to these tribes which are not from the fruit, or from characters of higher importance than the filamentous branches, evidently referable to known forms.

Plate CXC. Fig. II. — 1, plant of the natural size, on roots of Orantzia lineata; 2 and 3, threads; — highly magnijied.

2. Draparnaldia sp. ?

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; in stagnant water on the hills. The filaments of this species are infinitely more slender than those of the last, but similarly gelatinous and of the same structure.


1. Conferva clavata, Ag. ? Syst. Alg. p. 99.

Var. Darwinii ; pro genere maxima, filis 2 uncialibus e basi gradatim incrassatis, articulis ad nodos constrictis diametro paulo longioribus, inferioribus longioribus, supremis unc. latis. (Tab. CXCII. Fig. I.)

Hab. Cape Tres Montes, on Sphacelaria funicularis ; C. Darwin, Esq.

Of this variety we have seen but one specimen and refer it doubtfully to the C. clavata of the Cape of Good Hope and New Zealand, to which it is certainly very closely allied.

Plate CXCII. Fig. I. — Plants of C. clavata, var. Barwinii, of the natural size, parasitical on Spliacelaria funicularis, Mont.

2. Conferva Linum, Ag. ; Harv. Man. Brit. Alg. p. 128.

Hab. Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen's Land ; in the sea, on rocks near high-water mark.

A widely distributed species, found from the Canary Islands, Mediterranean and Black Sea, to the coasts of