Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/550

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[Fuegia, the


1. Symbolophoea ? Mierotrias, n. sp. Ehrb. ; Schrift. Bert. Akad. May, 1844.

Hab. Victoria Barrier; in Pancake Ice and in mud from 190 fathoms. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

2. Symbolophobia ? Tetras, n. sp., Ehrb. ; I. c.

Hab. Victoria Barrier; in Pancake Ice and in mud from 190 fathoms. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

3. Symbolophoea ? Pentas, n. sp., Ehrb. I. c.

Hab. Victoria Barrier ; in Pancake Ice and in mud from 190 fathoms. Graham's Land ; in mud from 270 fathoms.

4. Symbolophoea ? Rexas, n. sp., Ehrb. /. c.

Hab. Victoria Barrier ; in Pancake Ice and in mud from 190 fathoms. Graham's Land; in mud from 270 fathoms.

27. CH.ETOCEROS, n. g. Ehrb.

1. Ch^etoceeos Bichaeta, Ehrb.; Schrift. Bert. Akad. May, 1844. Hab. In a scum floating on the surface of the ocean, in Lat. 64° S., Long. 160° W.

2. Ch^toceeos TetracJueta, Ehrb. I. c.

Hab. In a floating scum with the former species.

Two other species of this new genus have recently been discovered in the Bermuda Islands.

28. ANAULUS, n. g., Ehrb.

1. Anaulus scalaris, Ehrb.; Schrift. Bert. Akad. May, 1844.

Hab. Graham's Land; in mud from 207 and 270 fathoms.

29. RHAPHONEIS, n. g. Ehrb.

1. RHAPHONEis/asciofafo, Ehrb. ; I.e.

Hab. Graham's Land, in mud from 207 and 270 fathoms.

2. Rhaphoneis scutett/im, Ehrb. ; I. c.

Hab. Cockburn Island ; in the dirt of a Penguin rookery.


1. Podosphenia cuneata, Ehrb. ; Infus. 1. 17. f. viii. Kutz. Kieselsch. Biat. p. 121. t. 9. f. 13. 1-4.