Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/554

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[Fuegia, the

41. ZYGOCEROS, Ehri.

1. Zygoceros Aastralis, u. sp., Ehrb.; I.e.

Hab. Victoria Barrier ; in Pancake Ice. Graham's Land ; Gulf of Erebus and Terror, in mud at 207 fathoms.


1. Denticella Icevis, n. sp., Ehrb.; I.e.

Hab. Graham's Land; Gulf of Erebus and Terror, in mud at 270 fathoms.

43. MESOCENA, Ehri.

1. Mesocena? Spongolithis, n. sp., Ehrb.; /. c.

Hab. Victoria Barrier; in mud from 190 fathoms. Graham's Land; in mud at 270 fathoms.

44. ACTINISCUS, Elirh.

1. Actinisctjs lancearius, n. sp., Ehrb.; I. c.

Hab. Open ocean, Lat. 66° S., Long. 157° W., in the stomach of a Salpa.

45. DICTYOCHA, Ehri.

1. Dictyocha aculeata, Ehrb.; Leb.Er. p. 68. Kilt::. Kiesel.Bacill. p. 140.

Hab. Victoria Land and Barrier ; in Pancake Ice. In the stomachs of Satyce, Lat. 66° S., Long. 157 W. Entangled in a surface scum, Lat. 64° S., Long. 160° W.

Found living in the North Sea, fossil in Sicily, the iEgean, North Africa, and Virginia, U.S.

2. Dictyocha binoculus, Ehrb.; Schrift. Ahacl. Bed. May, 1844.

Hab. Victoria Barrier; in Pancake Ice. Entangled in a floating scum, Lat. 64° S., Long. 160° W.

Also occurs in tertiary deposits in the jiEgean Sea.

3. Dictyocha bitemaria, Ehrb.; I. c.

Hab. Victoria Barrier ; in Pancake Ice.

4. Dictyocha Ejnoclon, Ehrb. ; Schrift. Bed. Akad. Feb. 1844. Hab. Victoria Barrier ; in Pancake Ice.

Originally described from specimens occurring in a tertiary deposit in Virginia, U.S., also found in Peruvian guano.

5. Dictyocha octonaria, Ehrb.; Schrift. Bed. Akad. Mai/, 1844.

Hab. Victoria Barrier; in Pancake Ice.