Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/575

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Falklands, etc.]

8. Lecidea atro-alba, Ach.; Lick. Univ. p. 162. Lichen (Ederi, Engl. Bot. t. 1117. ScAeerer, Licit. Helvet, n. 178.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; on rocks.

The Cockbuni Island plant, referred (in Lond. Journ. Bot.) to this, we have elsewhere described as Lecanora Babingtoni.

9. Lecidea lugubris, Soniml'.; Lapp. p. 143. Fries, Licit. Ewrop. p. 314.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; on rocks.

I have little hesitation in considering this plant to be that described by Tries ; though I know the latter from description alone. It approaches Schserer's L. atro-alba (n. 178); but the apothecia do not appear to rise from the thallus. C. Babinyton.

10. LECiDEAfusco-atra, Ach.; Licit. Ewrop. p. 359. Lichen atlirocarpus, Engl. Bot. t. 1929.

Hab. Kerguelen's Land; on rocks.

11. Lecidea stelltdata, Tat/l. in Flora Hib. p. 118.

Hab. Kerguelen's Land ; on rocks.

12. Lecidea glacialis, Schserer ; Spicil. p. 147. Fries, Licit. Ewrop. p. 323, L. sulphurea, Aclt., nobis iii Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 636. Hab. Falkland Islands , on alpine quartz rocks. At first sight this resembles Lecanora subfusca, (or rather the var. orostltea,) but the hypothallus is quite black. I feci no doubt of its being the L. glacialis, which is compared with the above-mentioned species, both by Fries and Sehserer. The only difference I can detect between the European and Antarctic specimens, lies in the apothecia of the former being dusky within, and not white.

13. Lecidea geograpltica, Scluerer; Spicil. p. 124. Engl, Bot. t. 245. Var. urceolata, Scltarer, I. c.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, the Falkland Islands, and Kerguelen's Land ; very abundant on rocks from the sea to the mountain tops. Var. urceolata, Kerguelen's Land; on maritime rocks. 14. Lecidea parasema, Ach.; Licit. Unit: p. 175. Scluerer, Licit. Helvet. n. 197-199.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; on bark of trees.

15. Lecidea sabuletorum, Ach. ; Sgnops. Licit, p. 20. L. quadricolor, Borr., nobis, in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iii. p. 637.

Var. y. coniops, Fries, Licit. Ewrop. p. 340. L. scabra, Tat/l. in Herb. Hib. p. 121.

Hab. Falkland Islands; on the ground. Var. coniops; Hermite Island, Cape Horn; on greenstone. Falkland Islands; on clay-slate rocks.

I am hardly satisfied with the determination of the Hermite Island specimens : they are certainly allied to the L. sabuletorum and also to L. arctica. They further resemble Bialora verualis, var. sangtdneo-atra, Fries; but this L. sabuletorum is scarcely a Biatora, and may be an undescribed species of Lecidea. C. Babhtgton.