Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/628

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NEW AND IMPORTANT SCIENTIFIC WORKS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY REEVE, BROTHERS, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND. JSntang. UNDER THE AUTHORITY Or THI LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY, FLORA ANTARCTICA, BOTANY OF THE ANTARCTIC VOYAGE of H.M. Ships Erebus and Terror, 1839—1843. UNDER THE COMMAND OP CART. SIR JAMES CLARK ROSS, KT., R.N., F.R.S. BY JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, M.D., R.N., F.L.S. Botanist to the Expedition. To be completed in Twenty Monthly Parts, price 8s. col. 6s. pi. [Part VIII. now ready. CRYPTOGAMIA ANTARCTICA, THE CRYPTOGAMIC PORTION OF THE ABOVE, containing the MOSSES, HEPATICiEj SEA-WEEDS, FUNGI, &C. BY JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, M.D., R.N., F.L.S. Botanist to the Expedition. To be completed in Seven Monthly Parts, price 8s. col. 6s. plain. So large a portion of Cryptogajiic, as compared with Phjenogamic Plants, were collected in the Antarctic Regions during this Expedition, and they contain so much of interest and novelty, that it has been thought desirable, at the suggestion of several eminent Cryptogamic Botanists, to publish this portion of " The Antarctic Botany " in a separate form. [Part I. now ready. In » handsome volume, Royal Quarto, containing twenty-three beautifully coloured Plates, price One Guinea, neatly bound in cloth ; MADEIRA FLOWERS, FRUITS, AND FERNS; a selection of the CHOICEST BOTANICAL PRODUCTONS OF THAT ISLAND, FOREIGN AND INDIGENOUS, Drawn and Coloured from Nature, BY J. WALLAS PENFOLD, of the Achada, Madeira. [On the 1st March. 4. In a handsome volume, Folio, containing eight large beautifully coloured plates, price One Guinea, neatly bound in cloth. . A SELECTION OF MADEIRA FLOWERS, drawn and coloured from Nature, BT AUGUSTA J. ROBLEY. of Madeira. [On the 1st March. C0nd)0l0BB. 1. Just published, at a rednced price, CONCHOLOGIA SYSTEMATICA. OR COMPLETE SYSTEM OF CONCHOLOGY : in which the Lepades and Mollusca are described and classified according to their natural organization and habits ; BY LOVELL REEVE, A.L.S., F.Z.S., etc. Illustrated with 1500 highly-finished copper-plate Engraving!, By Messrs. Sowerby ; Two volumes quarto, price £10, coloured. [Originally published in Twelve 21s. Parti. By the same Author, Now in course of Publication in Numbers; Eight Large Quarto Plates, with descriptive text, on the First Day of every Month, Price 6s. Plain, 10s. Coloured. CONCHOLOGIA ICONICA : A REPERTORY OF SPECIES OF SHELLS. Illustrated with original Figures drawn expressly from Naturt by G. B. Sowerby, Jun. Names of the Genera published, Area. Cyprieardia. Pectunculns. Cardita. Delphinula. Phorus. Cardium. Glauconome. Pleurotoma. Conus. Harpa. Pollicipes. Corbula. Mitra. Rauella. Crassatella. Myadora. Triton. N.B. Any of the genera may be had separately in monographs. [Part XXV. now ready. 3. In one volume octavo, cloth, or in sheets for labelling, Price One Guinea, THE CONCHOLOGIST'S NOMENCLATOR, or SYSTEMATIC AND ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF ALL THE KNOWN SPECIES OF SHELLS, accompanied with synonymes, and references to where figured, or described, BY AGNES CATLOW AND LOVELL REEVE. N.B. For the convenience of remarks, and the addition of new species, copies will be sold interleaved with faint lines. [Nearly ready. Zaalass. To be completed in Twenty Monthly Parts, small Folio, price 10s. 6d. coloured. The First Part to be published as soon as the Names of One Hundred Subscribers are obtained. (By Permission of the Council of the Zoological Society.) ZOOLOGIA TYPICA, FIGURES OF NEW AND RARE MAMMALS AND BIRDS described in the Proceedings or exhibited in the collections of the Zoological Society of London. BY LOUIS FRASER, Curator to the Society ; Naturalist to the Niger Expedition, 1841-42. N.B. Specimens are in preparation and further particulars will be shortly announced.