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Just published, square lGmo, neat cloth, price 2s. Cut. ILLUSTEATIONS OF THE WISDOM AND BENEVOLENCE OF THE DEITY AS MANIFESTED IN NATUKE. By HENEY EDWAEDS, LL.D., D.D., Etc. " There is a power above us, And that there is, all Nature cries aloud Through all her works." CHAPTER I. AS MANIFESTED IN THE MINUTE CREATIONS OF ORGANIC LIFE. Animalcules — Their Minute Structure — Powers of Reproduction — Universal Diffusiou — Benefit to Mankind — Arrest of Putrefaction — Nutriment to Plants. CHAPTEE II. AS MANIFESTED IN THE CHEMICAL CONDITION AND PRESSURE OF THE ATMOSPHERE. Composition of the Air — Mixture of Gases — Charcoal in Plants — Functions of Plants — Re-action between Plants and Animals — Permeating Property of Gas — Affinity of Oxygen — Law of Eva- poration — Weight and Pressure of the Air. CHAPTER III. AS MANIFESTED IN THE CONSTITUENTS OF THE EARTH AND OF "WATER. Elements of the Earth — Of Water — Intense Combination of Gases — Process of Oxydation — Dis- tribution of Metals — Important Properties of Iron — Value and Abundance of Lime — Presence of Lime in Shells, Vegetables, &c. — Dissemination of Poisonous Substances. CHAPTER VI. AS MANIFESTED IN THE ORGANIC COMPOSITION OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS. Organic Chemistry — Gases in Plants — Convulsions of the Earth — Mixture and Combination of Materials — Origin and Composition of Flesh — Transformation of Animal and Vegetable Atoms — The Aldehyde of Liebig. CHAPTER V. AS MANIFESTED IN THE BENEFICIAL DISTURBANCE AND NEW ARRANGEMENT OF PARTICLES OF MATTER. Conversion of Starch into Sugar — Constituents of Quinine — Law of Reciprocity between the Components of Plants and Animals— Animal Chemistry — Salt in the Blood — Fibrine — Caseine — Continual Process of Decomposition and Recomposition — Decomposing Principle of Oxygen. CHAPTER VI. AS MANIFESTED IN THE PROPERTIES OF LIGHT AND ELECTRICITY. Influence of Light upon Plants and Animals — Upon the Formation of Crystals — Electricity, a Modification of Caloric — Magnetic Property of the Earth — Influence of Electricity upon Vege- tation — Conducting Power of Vegetable Points — Effects of Magnetism upon the System — The Brain, an Electrical Battery. CHAPTER VII. SUMMARY AND CONCLUDING REMARKS. An interesting and familiar Summary of natural phenomena addressed to young Philosophers, and all who desire to " Find tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in every thing." Reeve, Brothers, King William Street, Strand.