Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/650

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NOW IN COURSE OF PUBLICATION. Eight quarto Plates of Shells, with descriptive text, on the first day of every month, price 10s. coloured, CONCHOLOGIA ICONICA; OB. MONOGRAPHS OF THE GENERA OF SHELLS. Including Latin and English descriptions of all the species known up to the time of publication, with copious remarks on their characters, affinities, and circumstances of habitation. By LOVELL REEVE, A.L.S, Etc., Author of the ' Conchologia Systematica.' With figures of the natural size, drawn and engraved from specimens chiefly in the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq.,F.L.S., &c., By G. B. SOWERBY, F.L.S. The ' Conchologia Iconica,' of which thirty-nine Numbers containing three hundred and twelve quarto plates are now published, was commenced in January 1843, with the view of presenting a faithful and characteristic illustration of every living species and remarkable variety of Shell, collected up to the time of publication ; and the liberal reception it has met with not only throughout England and the Continent, including the cities of Paris, Brussels, Vienna, Bremen, Turin, Berue, Berlin, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh, but in the United States, Chili, Mauritius, and British India, has enabled the author to avail himself of every improvement which typography and the arts employed for illustration are now capable of. The magnificent collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq., of surpassing novelty and beauty, is most zealously devoted to the undertaking, and the valuable information respecting localities, and circumstances of habitation with which the possessor, from his entcrprizing personal experience, is so richly stored, is generously contributed to the advancement of the work. The author has besides to return his sincere thanks to many local and far-distant correspondents for their kind co-operation by the loan of specimens, including H.M. The King of Denmark, the Marquis of Northampton, J, E. Gray, Esq., of the British Museum, Miss Saul, Miss Stecre, Wm. Metcalfe, Esq., J. S. Gaskoin, Esq., "William Walton, Esq., Sylvanus Hanley, Esq., and the Rev. F. J. Stainforth of London ; Thomas Norris, Esq., of Preston ; J. Dennison, Esq., of Liverpool; Thomas Lombe Taylor, Esq., of Starston ; Dr. Knapp of Edinburgh; H. H. White, Esq., of Clapham; John Adamson, Esq., of Newcastle ; E. G. L. Gruner, Esq., of Bremen, Dr. Menke of Pyrmont, and M. Delessert, M. Deshayes, and M. Alcide D'Orbigny, of Paris. The chief merit of the ' Conchologia Iconica ' consists in having all the species illustrated of the natural size, excepting those which on account of their minuteness require magnifying, and great attention is given to avoid any exaggeration in the colouring. The arduous researches of Mr. Cuming, both in the eastern and western hemispheres, have supplied his collection with such an extensive and interesting number of undescribed species of Shells, that a very large proportion of those hitherto figured are entirely new to science. The following is a list of the genera completed, any of which may be had separately as follows : — £. s. d. &. 3. a. &. s. d. Abca . . . 1 1 6 Cypricardia 2 6 Myadora . 1 6 Cardita . . 11 6 Delphinula 6 6 Pectunculus 11 6 Cardium . . 1 7 6 Glauconome 1 6 Phorus . . 4

CONUS . . 3

Harpa . . 5

Pleurotoma 2 10 6 CoRBULA . . 6 6 IsOCARDIA . 1 6 POLLICIPES . 1 6 Crassatella 4

MlTRA . . 2 10 6 Kanella . . 10

CYPR.EA . . 1 14

Murex . . 2 5 6 Triton . . 1 5

The genera Haliotis and Mangelia are in course of publication. Binding. — A temporary Cover and Title (price 6d.) are circulated on the completion of each Genus, for the use of those who may desire to keep the Genera in separate Monographs, uutil the completion of Families, when permanent Titles and Indices are to be issued, as already published with the Cardiacea. For temporary accommodation the publishers strongly recommend the India-rubber method of binding, in which no sewiug is required. London : Keeve, Brothers, King William Street, Strand.