Page:The Boy Travellers in the Russian Empire.djvu/346

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of the suitor were exhausted. But he has a right to demand a return of his presents in such an event."

"And, as has happened in similar cases in America," Frank retorted, "he does not always get them."

"Quite true," said the Doctor, with a smile; "but the family playing such a trick would not find other suitors very speedily. Human nature is the same in all countries, and even the young man in love is shy of being defrauded.

"But we will suppose everything has gone favorably," the Doctor continued, "and the suitor has been accepted. As a matter of fact, Russian


courtships are short, only a month or two, and possibly for the reason you suggested. A day is fixed for the betrothal, and the ceremony takes place in the presence of the families of both the parties to the engagement. The betrothal is virtually a marriage ceremony, as it binds the two so firmly together that only the most serious reasons can separate them. The betrothal ceremony is at the house of the bride's parents, and is followed in due course by the wedding, which takes place in church.

"Custom requires that the bride shall supply a certain quantity of