Page:The Boy Travellers in the Russian Empire.djvu/485

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sailing-vessels in tow, transport sixty thousand men across the Caspian from Astrachan, Baku, and Petrovsk to Novi Golfe and Mikhailovsk in three days.

"The Russians would thus dispose of about one hundred and fifteen thousand men-Army of the Caucasus, sixty thousand; Turkestan, thirty thousand; and fifteen thousand Turcoman auxiliaries. These latter will supply the advance of the Russian columns heading southward from Askabad and Merv.

"The Russians have shown great tact and cleverness in the management of their Turcoman subjects. There is at Merv a skeleton army, or cadre, of three hundred Turcomans, under the command of a Cossack officer named Kalotine. Of the three hundred, one hundred are from Merv, one hundred are Tekkes, and the remainder from other tribes. These men (irregular horse) remain in the service six months. During that time they are paid twenty-five roubles a month, and at its expiration are discharged with the rank of sergeant, but remain liable to military duty in time of war. This plan was adopted to secure good native non-commissioned officers for the fifteen regiments of irregular cavalry. The son of the last Khan of Merv is now a Russian sergeant. Ten native Turcomans hold the rank of captain in the Russian army, and four that of lieutenant, besides which many decorations have been given to those who took part in AlikhanofFs foray.

"The construction of the railway between Askabad and Merv presented great difficulties, on account of the absence of water in many places. To overcome this, artesian wells were dug. The width and current of the Tegend-Bud necessitated an iron bridge at Kara-Bend. The Trans-Caspian Railway is built upon the model of the Trans-Caucasian one, the stations on both being near together, solidly built and comfortable. There are sixteen stations between Mikhailovsk and Askabad (four hundred and twenty-two versts).

Mikhailovsk to

Mallakara 22 Versts. Ossausan 16 Versts. Baharden 30 Versts.
Bala Ischen 35 " Ouchak 23 " Keli-Atta 27 "
Aidin 29 " Kizil-Arvat 30 " Geok-Tepé 25 "
Paraval 15 " Koteh 28 " Besmeni 21 "
Atchi-Komm 16 " Barni 24 " Askabad 20 "
Kasandjik 31 " Arolman 30 "