Page:The British invasion of Maryland, 1812-1815.djvu/9

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This volume is an attempt to present in permanent form the history of the British invasion of Maryland during the War of 1812. The story has not heretofore been fully told; the record is deplorably incomplete, and the following- pages are intended to be an adequate chronicle of the events of that period in Mary land, and to that end even trifling circumstances have been inter woven in the narrative.

It was the good fortune of the author to be associated, for a number of years, with the survivors of the battle of North Point and of the defense of Fort McHenry. He has received from them the story of those struggles and has endeavored to imprint the letter and convey the spirit of their language in these annals. Indeed, but for his personal relations with the Defenders, this work, which has been a labor of love, might never have been under taken. As time passes the preservation of the record becomes not only more desirable and important but also more difficult. The archives of the State afford but slight assistance, the few official papers being scattered and difficult of access. Every known source of information has been examined and the collec tion of the Maryland Historical Society was found to include various publications from which much valuable material has been obtained. No effort has been made to settle minor disputed points and the reader has been allowed the privilege of reaching his own conclusions from the facts impartially presented.

The historical value of the defense of Baltimore has been dwarfed by the brevity of treatment accorded it and only when taken in connection with the full campaign on the waterways of Maryland and the adjacent territory, can the importance of the defense be realized.

The author acknowledges his indebtedness for valuable facts to Ingersoll's History of the War of 1812, now out of print. Other authorities are noted on the margins.

W. M. M.