Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/18

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The Preface to the Reader.

Quantity of it, which is, that these two Books are not my intended end, as may be judged from the Conclusion of my second; My Original design being to introduce our famous Progenitors the Saxons, and so Body in the end both Nations together; who, after many bloody Conflicts united themselves into one People: But, I find it is time to bid my Reader farewell, though, before I part with him, I must oblige him not to misconster my sense, in what I have written concerning Religion, which, as is already mentioned, I thought most proper in a Poem, to raise meerly from the Principles of Nature: As likewise where I have expressed any thing concerning Superstitious Practises and Priests (who originally must be supposed to be the Grand Introducers of those Delusions, which have so missed, and abused Mankind.) The Reader is desired to take all expressions of this kind (as they are really meant,) not against any perswasion of Christian Religion, and the Holy Functions appertaining to it; But, in General, and wholly directed against False, and Erroneous Worships and Beliefes; which, least there should be any imputation charged on me, or those Reflections I have made, Wrested to a contrary Sense, I could not but instance this my defence, Concluding, that as this Poem was writ for my Diversion, so it now comes to be published; having received incouragement from the Judgments of some Friends, whothought