Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/32

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nourably of their original, which is a kind of Piety. Ajax was a man of very great stature, and Teucer a very little person, yet he was brother to Ajax both in blood and Chivalry. I commend your Poem for judgment, not for bulk; and am assured it will be wellcome to the World with its own confidence; though if it come forth armed with Verses and Epistles I cannot tell what to think of it. For, the great Wits will think themselves threatned, and rebel. Unusual Fortifications upon the borders carry with them a suspition of Hostility. And Poets will think such Letters of Commendation a kind of confederacy and league, tending to usurp upon their liberty. I need say no more, but rest,


Chatsworth, Nov.
the 6th. 1668.

Your Honors most humble
and obedient Servant,

Thomas Hobbs.