Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/4

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The Epistle Dedicatory.

whil'st you so abound in all the Vertues of your Antient and Noble Predecessors, that you are beforehand with Honor, e'r you possess those high titles which are so justly your expectation, and earnest desires of your Name, to see in due time accomplished in you: And as an Heroick Poem ought to be a Present to the most conspicuous in merit, so it cannot but receive some credit in being addressed to you; as you have a Title from the worth and greatness of your own Actions, to the Patronage of all worthy Subjects, for which cause you may less blame my Ambition, in dedicating to you this Poem, being assured, inyou, are summ'd all the Virtues of its Bittish Hero's, which the best abili-ties