Page:The Brittish Princes, an Heroick Poem - Howard (1669, 1st ed).djvu/40

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The Brittish Princes,
Book 1.
What else does meane, that Num'rous Warlike Power
From Gaules now Landing, on our Kentish shore?
How will Bonduca's Soul, these Tydings hear,
If her Rich Province Kent, they seize by War?
And, her most Glorious City, London, be
The next Attempt, of their bold Tyranny?
Can Martianus with our Armes oppose
The Romans, joyn'd with our fierce Gallick Foes?
Who like an Island, plac'd in th' Oceans way,
May break strong Billowes, but not stop a Sea.
To which great Vortiger does thus Reply,
Wee'l soon Martianus, with our Ayds supply,
And make it more our Glory, still to Fight,
Romes Power, Assisted with a Borrow'd might.
Five dreadful Ages, Brittains Armes have stood
Its Bold Attempts, with dear expence of Blood.
Since Mighty Julius first her Eagles led,
Though here but hover'd, when the World they spread
