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Gods together with men are with thee;
No harm cometh unto them from thy shining,
Nor from thy journeying in the celestial boat[1] above.
Thy enemies have ceased to be, for I am protecting thee, oh Ra, lord!
Come thou to us as a babe, thou first great Sun god.
Depart not from us who behold thee!
There proceedeth from thee the strong Orion in heaven at evening, at the resting of every day!
Lo, it is I, at the approach of the Sothis period, who doth watch for him,
Nor will I leave off watching for him; for that which proceedeth from thee is revered.
An emanation from thee causeth life to gods and men, reptiles and animals, and they live by means thereof.
Come thou to us from thy chamber, in the day when thy soul begetteth emanations,—
The day when offerings upon offerings are made to thy spirit, which causeth the gods and men likewise to live.
Praise be to the Lord, for there is no god like unto thee, oh Tum![2]

Thy soul possesseth the earth, and thy likenesses the underworld;

  1. Boat of Ra, sun god.
  2. Tum or Atum—sun, father of Osiris, god of Heliopolis.