Page:The Burr-Hamilton duel with correspondence.djvu/34

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[New York Herald, July 13th, 1804.]

With emotions that we have not a hand to inscribe, have we to announce the death of Alexander Hamilton.

He was suddenly cut off in the forty-eighth year of his age, in the full vigor of his faculties and in the midst of all his usefulness.

  • * * * *

[New York Herald, August 4th, 1804.]

The Coronor's Inquest, after a very patient and laborious examination of the facts and circumstances relating to the late afflicting event, have pronounced upon their oaths that "Aaron Burr, Esq., Vice-President of the United States, was guilty of the murder of Alexander Hamilton: and that William P. Van Ness, Esq., Attorney-at-Law, and Nathaniel Pendleton, Esq., Counsellor-at-Law, were accessories."