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4.Around the dry land Thou pouredst the sea,
And set'st his bounds with sure decree;
But, bending heaven, so to crown
Mankind with bliss, Thou camest down:
Babe Jesu, my God, all glory to Thee!


1.'Now stand we in the village,
Where Jesse's bairns were born;
Amid the fields of tillage,
Whence Boaz reap'd his corn.
Here welleth David's Fountain;
There Rachel's body lies:
Soon o'er yon Eastern mountain
Shall Jacob's Star arise.

2.'The seventy weeks, appointed
Of God, are now fulfill'd;
Ere long the Lord's Anointed
Shall born be, as He will'd;
Whereat the prophet wond'red
When Gabriel told him so
In Babylon, four hundred
And thirty years ago.

3.'Which Gabriel late did meet thee,
And, with divining rod,
Right reverently greet thee
As Mother to his God.
Let Ahaz read his dial,
And (e'en as Esay bade)
Confess, without denial,
The Son of Mary Maid.

4.'Now, Lady, 'mid the number
Of pilgrim folk, our kin,
Go seek we place of slumber

And shelter 'neath yond inn.'