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Wherefore, Churchmen, sing for joy,
And, leal to Mary's gentle Boy,
Keep His birthday yearly,
Loving Him sincerely.

3.He lieth in a crib of tree,
Altogether lovely He:
Holy, Strong, Immortal,
Key to David's portal.
Wherefore, masters, be not sad,
When Christmas biddeth men be glad,
But with voice canorous
Swell the Seraph-chorus.


1.To redeem a race forlorn,
When the nights were longest,
In the sign of Capricorn,
When the frost is strongest,
'Neath the gable of a stable,
Early on a morn,
Of a lowly Maiden, Holy
Jesu, Thou wert born.

2.'Glory be to God on high;
And on earth be granted
Peace, Good-will to men,' hear I
O'er the welkin chanted.
Earth rejoices, hearing voices
Arch-angelick sing,
Anthem sweetest, as 'tis meetest,
To the new-born King.