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6.'So be it!' God's hand-maiden cried,
'According to thy telling.'
Whereon the Angel smartly hied
Up home-ward to his dwelling.

7.This tiding fill'd his mates with glee:
'Twas pass'd from one to other,
That 'twas Marie, and none but she,
And God would call her Mother.

Holy Week


1.That Virgin's Child
Most meek and mild,
A-lonely for my sake
His Father's will
For to fulfil,
He came great pains to take
And suffer'd death,
As Scripture saith,
That we should savèd be,
On Good Friday:
Wherefore I say,
He mournèd sore for me.

2.Such pain and smart
As in His heart
He suffer'd for mankind,
Can no man take,
Nor mourning make
So meekly for his friend.

The cruel Jews