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8.So 'Blessed be that Maid Marie,'
To spurn it 'twere a pity;
Nor let men scorn 'A Babe is born
In Bethlem,' David city.

9.[No itching palms have we for alms,
Content if Christ, the burden
Of these our lays, bestow His praise,
And one day be our guerdon,

10.That hallow'd dome, Saint Dunstan's Home,
Doth harbour many blind folk,
To whom we pay the coin that may
Be handed us by kind folk.]

11.The strain, yclept 'While shepherds kept,'
This almost might be sung ye;
But here an end. Us Christ defend,
And alway be among ye!


1.As I went to Bethlehem,
Ere the dawn of day,
Met I with a knot of shepherd men,
On their homeward way.

2.Quem vidistis, pastores?
Tell me ev'ry whit:
In terris (I fain would learn of ye)
Quis apparuit?

3.Newly born we saw the Babe,
Whom an Angel throng
Worshipt as the Lord; Alléluyá,
Gloria, their song.