Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/472

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1766. Physical and Meteorological Observations and Suppositions. . . . Read at the Royal Society, June 3, 1756. London. (Originally printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society.)

1768. The Art of Swimming . . . . To which are added . . . An Advice to Bathers by the late Celebrated Dr. Benjamin Franklin. London, New York, 1818. London, 1854.

1768. The True Sentiments of America contained in a Collection of Letters. . . . London. Contains Franklin's Causes of the American Discontents before 1768.

1768. Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania [John Dickinson]. . . . London. Preface to this ed. by Franklin. French translation, Paris, 1769.

1769. Experiments and Observations on Electricity. . . . To which are added, Letters on Philosophical Subjects. The Whole corrected, methodized, improved, and now first collected into one Volume. . . . London.

1770. Letters to the Merchants Committee of Philadelphia, submitted to the Consideration of the Public. [Philadelphia, 1770.] (Contains letters of Franklin dated 1769.)

1771. [Plan for benefiting distant unprovided countries. By Alexander Dalrymple and Benjamin Franklin.]

1772. Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations of the Honourable Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, John Sargent and Samuel Wharton. . . . With Observations and Remarks. London. [The editors of 'Franklin's works attribute the Observations to Franklin; Professor C. W. Alvord, in the [New York] Nation, 20 Aug., 1914, argues that the author was Samuel Wharton.]

1772. Two letters, addressed to the Right Rev. Prelates, who a second Time rejected the Dissenters' Bill. London. (Franklin's "Letter concerning persecutions in former Ages" appended.)

1773. Abridgement of the Book of Common Prayer . . . . London. (Preface and abridgement of Catechism and Psalms by Franklin.)

[1773.] Rules for Reducing a Great Empire to a Small One. . . . London. (Public Advertiser, Oct., 1773.)

1773. The Votes and Proceedings of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the town of Boston. London. (Preface by Franklin.)

1774. Considerations on the Agreement of the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury with the Honourable Thomas Walpole and his Associates. . . . London.

1774. Experiments and Observations on Electricity ... To which are added, Letters and Papers on Philosophical Subjects. The whole corrected, methodized, improved, and now collected into one Volume. . . . The Fifth Edition. London.

1774. Of the Stilling of Waves by means of Oil; extracted from Sundry Letters. . . . London.

1774. Principles of Trade [by George Whately]. . . . Second Edition corrected and enlarged. . . . London. (Notes by Franklin.)

1774. Scelta di Lettere e di Opuscoli. . . . Milan.

1775. Additions to Common Sense. . . . London. (Contains Franklin's "Proposals for a Confederation of the United Colonies.")

1778. [Franklin to Madame Helvetius. Two editions. Passy.]

1779. Remarks on the Rescript of the Court of Madrid . . . To which is added an appendix, containing ... A Memorial of Dr. Franklin to the Court of Versailles. . . . London.