Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/485

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The Beginning of Verse, 1610-1808

IV. Early Colonial Verse

[C. O. V. = Club of Odd Volumes; Mag. = Mather's Magnalia; Mass. Hist. Soc. = Massachusetts Historical Society; N. E. M. = Morton's New England's Memorial.]

The titles marked thus * have not been seen by the compiler.

The Bay Psalm Book. The Whole Booke of Psalmes Faithfully Translated into English Metre, etc. Cambridge, 1640. Many editions. Reprinted, Cambridge, 1862. Facsimile by Ames, Wilberforce, for The New England Society in the City of New York, 1903.

Bradford, William. A Descriptive and Historical Account of New England in Verse [putative title]. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections. Series I, vol. III, P. 77.

Bradstreet, Anne. * The Tenth Muse lately sprung up in America, or Several Poems, compiled with great variety of Wit and Learning, full of delight—by a Gentlewoman in those parts. London, 1650. As * Several Poems compiled with great variety of wit and learning, full of delight . . . by a Gentlewoman in New England. Boston, 1678. * Boston, 1758.

—The Works of Anne Bradstreet in Prose and Verse. Ed. Ellis, John Harvard. Charlestown, 1867.

—The Poems of Mrs. Anne Bradstreet, together with her prose remains. Introduction by Norton, C. E. n. p. 1897.

Bulkley, Edward. Elegies on Jonathan Mitchell and Samuel Stone. See N. E. M.

Cook, Ebenezer [pseud.?]. The Sot-Weed Factor; or, a Voyage to Maryland. A Satyr. London, 1708. Reprinted in Maryland Historical Society Fund Publications, no. 36. 1900.

E. C. Gent. Sot-Weed Redivivus. In Three Cantos. Annapolis, 1730. Reprinted with the preceding. [Probably not written by the author of the Sot-Weed Factor.]

Cotton, John. Elegy on Thomas Hooker. See N. E. M. Also Kettell, I, Introduction, p. xxviii.

Epitaph on Nathaniel Bacon: By his Man. [Anon.] Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections. Second Series, vol. I. 1814. [Frequently reprinted.]

Good News from New England. [Anon.] * London, 1648. Reprinted in Mass. Hist. Soc. Coll. Fourth Series, vol. I.

Grave, John. A Song of Sion. n. p. [London], 1662.

Holme, John. A True Relation of the Flourishing State of Pennsylvania, [1686]. First printed in the Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Historical Society, vol. I, no. 13. 1847.

Lewis, R [?]. Carmen Seculare. A Poem Addressed to Lord Baltimore in 1732. [No record of any imprint before Nov. 1789, when Carey printed an extract from it in The American Museum under the title of A Description of Maryland.]

Mather, Cotton. Elegies on Nathaniel Collins and Urian Oakes. Reprinted, C. O. V., III. 1896.

—Elegies on Ezekiel Cheevers, John Wilson, and the Seven Young Ministers. C. O. V., IV. 1896.

—Elegy on William Thomson. See Mag.

Morrell, William. Nova Anglia. * London, 1625. Reprinted, C. O. V., II. 1895.