Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/504

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States; with Information on Other Subjects Interesting to Travellers. . . . Washington, 1825.

Hildreth, Hosea. A View of the United States; for the Use of Schools and Families. . . . Boston and Baltimore, 1830.

Hinton, John Howard. The History and Topography of the United States: ed. by John Howard Hinton, A. M. Assisted by Several Literary Gentlemen in America and England. Illustrated with a Series of Views, Drawn on the Spot, and Engraved on Steel, Expressly for this Work. 3d ed. . . . 2 vols. London, 1842.

An Historical Review and Directory of North America: Containing a Geographical, Political, and Natural History of the British and Other European Settlements, the United and Apocryphal States . . . and a Concise Account of the Indian Nations. . . . By a Gentleman Immediately Returned from a Tour of that Continent. 2 vols. Cork, 1801.

The History of the British Dominions in North America: from the First Discovery of that Vast Continent by Sebastian Cabot in 1497, to its Present Glorious Establishment as Confirmed by the Late Treaty of Peace in 1763. . . . London, 1773.

The History of North America. Containing an Exact Account of their First Settlements; their Climate, Soil, Produce, Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Commodities, Manufactures, Commerce, Religion, Charters, Laws, Governments, Cities, Towns, Ports, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, and Fortifications; with the Present State of the Different Colonies, and a Large Introduction. London, 1776.

Hodgson, Adam. Remarks during a Journey through North America in the Years 1819, 1820, and 1821, in a Series of Letters: with an Appendix, Containing an Account of Several of the Indian Tribes, and the Principal Missionary Stations, etc. Also a letter to M. Jean Baptiste Say, on the Comparative Expense of Free and Slave labor. . . . Collected, Arranged, and Published by Samuel Whiting. 1823.

—Letters from North America, Written during a Tour in the United States and Canada. ... 2 vols. London, 1824.

Hoffman, Charles Fenno. A Winter in the Far West. ... 2 vols. London, 1835.

—A Winter in the West; by a New Yorker. 2 vols. 1835.

—Wild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie. 2 vols. London, 1839.

See also Bibliographies to Book II, Chaps, V and VII.

Holmes, Isaac. An Account of the United States of America, Derived from Actual Observation during a Residence of Four Years . . . . London, [1823].

Hoskins, Nathan. Notes upon the Western Country. . . . Greenfield [Mass.], 1833.

Howison, John. Sketches of Upper Canada . . . and some Recollections of the United States of America. Edinburgh, 1821.

Howitt, Emanuel. Selections from Letters Written during a Tour through the United States, in the Summer and Autumn of 1819; Illustrative of the Character of the Native Indians, and of their Descent from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel; as well as Descriptive of the Present Situation and Sufferings of Emigrants, and of the Soil and State of Agriculture. Nottingham, [1820].

Hull, John Simpson. Remarks on the United States of America; Drawn up from his Own Observations, and from the Observations of Other Travellers. . . . Dublin, [1801?].

Hulme, Thomas. Journal Made during a Tour in the Western Countries of America. [In Cobbett, A Year's Residence, etc., 1818.]