Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/546

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The Family Library of Poetry and Song. ... n. d. [1880.] As A New Library of Poetry and Song . . . Revised and Enlarged. ... n. d. [1900], 1903. 2 vols., 1900.

Picturesque America. 2 vols. n. d. [1872-74], [1894]. London. 4 vols. 1894-97.

A Popular History of the United States. . . . By Bryant and Gay, S. H. [Bryant's share was slight.] 4 vols. 1876-81, 1884. 5 vols. 1896-7.

États-Unis et Canada. L'Amérique du Nord pittoresque. Paris, 1880.

The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Stratford Edition. [Edited in part by Bryant.] Philadelphia, n. d. [1886-96.]

Note: Bryant was editor-in-chief of the New York Evening Post from 1829 to 1878. He was joint editor of the New York Review and Athenaeum Magazine, 1825-1826.

VI. Contributions to Periodicals

North American Review: An Essay on American Poetry. July, 1818; Trisyllabic Feet in Iambic Measure. Sept. 1819; The Ruins of Paestum. July, 1824; Percy's Masque. Oct., 1824; Redwood. Apr., 1824; Abraham Cowley. May-June, 1877.

New York Review: 1825: Hillhouse's Hadad, Memoirs of the Life of R. H. Lee, Memoirs of Count Segur, Jehan de Nostre Dame's Lives of the Provençal Poets, Wayland's Two Discourses, Wheaton's Reports, Webster's Addresses, United States Literary Gazette, Scott's Lives of the Novelists, Rammohun Roy's Precepts of Jesus; 1826: Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honorable Richard B. Sheridan, Recent Poetry, Percival's Poems, Sketches of Corsica, Wheaton's Life of Pinckney, A Pennsylvania Legend.

Old and New: Oldham's Poems, Sept., 1872.

Evening Post: No attempt has been made to list his contributions to this paper. Specimens are given by Godwin in his Prose Writings.

VII. Biography and Criticism

Alden, J. Studies in Bryant. 1876.

Bartlett, D. W. Modern Agitators. 1859.

Bellows, H. W. In Memoriam. William Cullen Bryant. [1878?]

Benton, J. Persons and Places. 1905.

Bigelow, J. William Cullen Bryant. Boston, 1890.

Bradley, W. A. William Cullen Bryant. 1905. Bryant Among his Countrymen. 1879.

The Bryant Celebration by the Chicago Literary Club. Chicago, 1875.

The Bryant Centennial, Cummington. Springfield, Mass. [1894?]

The Bryant Festival at "The Century. " 1865.

The Bryant Memorial Meeting of the Century . . . Nov. 12, 1878. n. d.

Cheney, J. V. That Dome in Air. Chicago, 1895.

Clavius (B. F. Romaine). William Cullen Bryant. In Rutgers' Literary Miscellany. New Brunswick, 1842.

Curtis, G. W. The Life, Character and Writings of William Cullen Bryant, n. d. [1879.]

Fowler, L. N. The Phrenological Character of . . . Bryant. In the American Phrenological Journal. 1849.

Godwin, Parke. Commemorative Addresses. 1895.

—Out of the Past. 1870.