Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/554

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III. Contributions to Periodicals

(1) The Rhapsodist. Columbian Magazine. Aug.-Nov., 1789. (2) The Man at Home. Weekly Magazine. 3 Feb.-28 Apr., 1798. (3) A letter to the editor of The Weekly Magazine, signed Speratus. 17 Mar., 1798. (4) The Rights of Women. A Dialogue. [Alcuin]. Weekly Magazine. 17 Mar.-7 Apr., 1798. (5) An Extract from Sky-Walk. Weekly Magazine. 24 Mar., 1798. (6) A Series of Original Letters. Weekly Magazine. 21 Apr.-2 June, 1798. (7) Arthur Mervyn; or, Memoirs of the Year 1793. Weekly Magazine. 16 June-25 Aug., 1798 [nine chapters of Part I]. (8) Edgar Huntly; a Fragment. Monthly Magazine. Apr., 1799. (9) Thessalonica; a Roman Story. Monthly Magazine. May, 1799. (10) Memoirs of Stephen Calvert. Monthly Magazine. June, 1799-June, 1800 [not continuous]. (11) A Lesson in Concealment; or, Memoirs of Mary Selwyn. Monthly Magazine. Mar., 1800. (12) Friendship: an Original Letter. Monthly Magazine. July, 1800. (13) Original Letters. Monthly Magazine. Aug., 1800. (14) L' Amoroso [a poem]. Port Folio. 18 Apr., 1801. (15) A Jaunt to Rockaway in Long Island. Literary Magazine, Oct., 1803. (16) Memoirs of Carwin, the Biloquist. Literary Magazine. Nov., 1803-Mar., 1804. (17) Sketch of the Life and Character of John Blair Linn. Port Folio. Jan.-Mar., 1809.

No attempt has been made to identify any pieces but those which have autobiographic interest or which belong to imaginative writing.

IV. Biography and Criticism

American Quarterly Review. Dec, 1830. Brown's Novels.

Bernard, J. Retrospections of America. 1887.

Blake, W. B. Fiction and Yellow Fever. Evening Transcript [Boston], 26 Feb., 1910. A Novelist of Plague Days, Evening Post, [New York]. 19 Mar., 1910. Brockden Brown and the Novel. Sewanee Review. Oct., 1910.

Davis, J. Travels of Four Years and a Half in the United States of America. London, 1803.

Dunlap, W. The Life of Charles Brockden Brown: together with Selections from the Rarest of his Printed Works, from his Original Letters, and from his Manuscripts before Unpublished. Philadelphia, 18 15. 2 vols. [The unpublished items are: Sketches of a History of Carsol, Sketches of a History of the Carrils and Ormes, A Few Letters from C. B. Brown to his Friends, Dialogues, Fragments.]

—Memoirs of Charles Brockden Brown, the American Novelist . . . London . . . 1822.

—A History of the American Theatre . . . 1832.

—Charles Brockden Brown. In Herring, J., and Longacre, J. B. National Portrait Gallery. 1834-6. Vol. Ill.

Fricke, M. Charles Brockden Brown's Leben und Werke. Hamburg, 1911. [Kiel dissertation.]

Higginson, T. W. Charles Brockden Brown. In Carlyle's Laugh and Other Surprises. Boston, 1909.

Just, W. Die romantische Bewegung in der amerikanischen Literatur: Brown, Poe, Hawthorne. Weimar, 1910. [Munster dissertation.]

Marble, Annie R. Charles Brockden Brown and Pioneers in Fiction. In Heralds of American Literature. Chicago and London, 1907.