Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/574

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Correspondence of William Ellery Channing and Lucy Aikin, from 1826 to 1842. Ed. by Anna Letitia LeBreton. Boston and London, 1874.

Dr. Channing's Note-Book; passages from the unpublished manuscripts of William Ellery Channing; selected by his granddaughter Grace Ellery Channing. Boston, 1887.

(b) Biography and Criticism

Brooks, Charles T. William Ellery Channing. A Centennial Memory. Boston, 1880.

Chadwick, J. W. William Ellery Channing, Minister of Religion. Boston, 1903.

Channing, W. H. Memoir of W. E. Channing, with extracts from his correspondence and manuscripts. London, 1848; Boston, 1851. 3 vols. [Edited by W. H. Channing.] As The Life of William Ellery Channing, D. D. Boston, 1880.

Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. Reminiscences of William Ellery Channing. Boston, 1880.

Renan, Ernest. Études D'Histoire Religieuse. Paris, 1864.

V. Sarah Margaret Fuller (Ossoli)

(a) Works

Conversations with Goethe in the Last Years of his Life, translated from the German of Eckermann. Boston, 1839. [With a preface by the translator.] [Vol. IV of Specimens of Foreign Standard Literature edited by George Ripley.]

Günderode. [A translation from the German of the correspondence between Canoness Günderode and Bettine Brentano.] Boston, 1842. [Anonymous.] [Reprinted, with additional letters translated by Mrs. Minna Wesselhoeft. Boston, 1861.]

Summer on the Lakes, in 1843. Boston, 1844, Issued in England with a condensed edition of the Memoir by W. H. Channing et al. London, 1861.

Woman in the Nineteenth Century. 1845. London, 1845. As Woman in the Nineteenth Century and Kindred Papers relating to the Sphere, Condition, and Duties of Woman. Edited by Arthur B. Fuller, with an Introduction by Horace Greeley. 1855.

Papers on Literature and Art. 1846. 2 vols. London, 1846. The same, two parts in one vol., 1846. As Literature and Art, two parts in one vol., with an introduction by Horace Greeley. 1852. Art, Literature, and the Drama . . . edited by . . . Arthur B. Fuller. Boston, 1860. New York, 1869.

At Home and Abroad, or Things and Thoughts in America and Europe. Edited by her brother, Arthur B. Fuller. Boston, 1856. London, 1856. [In four parts, part one being Summer on the Lakes previously published.] New York, 1869.

Life Without and Life Within; or Reviews, Narratives, Essays, and Poems. [Now first collected.] Edited by Arthur B. Fuller. Boston, 1860. New York, 1869.

Margaret Fuller on Literary London in 1846. Printed from the original in the Duyckinck collection in the New York Public Library. [A letter from Miss Fuller to Mr. Duyckinck.] Bulletin of the New York Public Library, vol. v, p. 455, 1901.