Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/579

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Ralph Waldo Emerson, London, 1870. Translations: G. Fabricius, Hannover, 1858; Fanny Zampini Salazar, Milano, 1904.

  • Faith, *The Phœnix, *To Himself [translations from the Persian of Hafiz]; *Word and Deed, translation from the Persian of Nisami. The Liberty Bell, by Friends of Freedom, Boston, 1851, 78-81.

Address to Kossuth. Kossuth in New England, Boston, 1852.

Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli [by Emerson, W. H. Channing, and J. F. Clarke] ... 2 v., Boston, 1852 [1851].

On Freedom [Freedom]. Autographs for Freedom, ed. by Julia Griffiths, Auburn, 1854, 235-6.

English Traits. Boston, 1856, London, 1856. Translations: Friedrich Spielhagen, Hannover, 1857; A. F. Akerberg, Upsala, 1875; Rafael Cansinos, Madrid, [1906].

Farming. Transactions of the Middlesex Agricultural Society, 1858, 45-52.

  • Amos Bronson Alcott. New American Cyclopædia . . . edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana, New York, 1859, 1, 301-2.

[Robert Burns]. Celebration by the Burns Club, Boston, 1859, 35-7.

The Conduct of Life. Boston, 1860, London, 1861. Translations: E. S. von Mühlberg [E. Sartorius], Leipzig, 1862, 1885; Xavier Eyma, Paris, n. d., Bruxelles, 1864, 1888; Benedicto Vélez, Madrid, [1900]; Karl Federn, Minden, 1901; Heinrich Conrad, Leipzig, 1903, 1905; P. H. Hugenholtz, Jr., Amsterdam, 1903; Friedrich Kwest, Hamburg, n. d.; M. Dugard, Paris, 1909.

John Brown [Speech at Boston, November 18, 1859]. The John Brown Invasion, an authentic history of the Harper's Ferry tragedy, Boston, 1860, 103-5. Echoes of Harper's Ferry, Boston, 1860, 67-70.

John Brown [Speech at Salem, January 26, 1860]. Echoes of Harper's Ferry, Boston, 1860, 119-22.

[Theodore Parker]. Tributes to Theodore Parker at the Music Hall, June 17, 1860 . . . Boston, 1860, 14-19.

    • The Lover's Petition. Over- Songs. Taunton, Privately printed [only five copies], 1864. May-Day and other Pieces, Boston, 1867, 90-1.

Sea-Shore. The Boatswain's Whistle. Boston, Nov. 18, 1864.

  • [William Cullen Bryant]. The Bryant Festival at "The Century," November 5, 1864, New York, 1865, 16-19.

The Gulistan or Rose Garden, by Musle-Hudden Sheik Saadi, of Shiraz. Translated by Francis Gladwin, with an essay ... by James Ross, and a preface by R. W. Emerson. Boston, 1865. (Preface, iii-xv).

May-Day and Other Pieces. Boston, 1867. London, 1867.

Address at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument in Concord. Ceremonies at the Dedication . . . Concord, 1867, 29-52.

[Remarks at Organization of the Free Religious Association]. Report of a Meeting to consider Free Religion. Boston, 1867. 52-4.

[Speech in Honor of the Chinese Embassy]. Reception of the Chinese Embassy, Boston, 1868, 52-5.

Humboldt. Address at Centennial Anniversary of Birth of Humboldt. Boston Society of Natural History, 1869, 71-2.

[Speech on Free Religion]. Proceedings at Second Annual Meeting of the Free Religious Association, Boston, 1869, 42-4.

Society and Solitude, Twelve Chapters. Boston, 1870, London, 1870. Translations: Selma Mohnicke, Bremen, 1871, 1875; Norden, 1885; Sophie von Harbou, Halle, 1902; Heinrich Conrad, Leipzig, 1903.

Plutarch's Morals, translated from the Greek . . . Revised by William W.