Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/582

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Man the Reformer; I, 523-38, Apr., 1841.

  • Essays and Poems by Jones Very [Review]; 2, 130-1, July, 1841.

Walter Savage Landor; 2, 262-71, Oct., 1841.

  • The Senses and the Soul; 2, 374-9, Jan., 1842.
  • Transcendentalism (Editor's Table); 2, 382-4, Jan., 1842.
  • The Ideal Man [Book Note]; 2, 408, Jan., 1842.

Lectures on the Times: [I] Introductory Lecture; II, The Conservative; III, The Transcendentalist; 3, 1-18, 181-97, 297-313, July, 1842- Jan., 1843.

Prayers; 3, 77-81, July, 1842.

  • Veeshnoo Sarma . . .; Extracts from the Heetopades of Veeshnoo Sarma; 3, 82-5, July, 1842.
  • Fourierism and the Socialists; 3, 86-96, July, 1842.

Chardon Street and Bible Conventions; 3, 100-12, July, 1842.

Agriculture of Massachusetts; 3, 123-6, July, 1842.

  • [George Borrow's] The Zincali; [Lockhart's] Ancient Spanish Ballads; [G. H. Colton's] Tecumseh, a Poem; 3, 127-9, July, 1842.

"Intelligence: [Charles Wilkes's] Exploring Expedition; Association of State Geologists; Harvard University; [Wordsworth's New Poems]; Alfred Tennyson; Henry Taylor; [Schelling in] Berlin; New Jerusalem Church; 3, 132-6, July, 1842.

  • English Reformers; 3, 227-47, Oct., 1842.
  • Poems by Alfred Tennyson; [O. A. Brownson's] A Letter to Rev. Wm. E. Channing [Reviews]; 3, 273-7, Oct., 1842.
  • Literary Intelligence [The death of Channing]; 3, 387, Jan., 1843.
  • Confessions of St. Augustine [Review]; 3, 414-5, Jan., 1843.

Europe and European Books; 3, 511-21, Apr., 1843.

  • [Borrow's] The Bible in Spain; [Browning's] *Paracelsus [Reviews]; 3, 534-5, Apr., 1843.

Gifts; 4, 93-5, July, 1843. [Carlyle's] Past and Present; 4, 96-102, July, 1843.

  • Anti-Slavery Poems by John Pierpont; Sonnets and other Poems by William Lloyd Garrison; [N. W. Coffin's] America, an Ode . . .; Poems by William Ellery Channing [Reviews]; 4, 134-5, July, 1843.
  • To Correspondents [note]; 4, 136, July, 1843.

The Comic; 4, 247-56, Oct., 1843.

A Letter; 4, 262-70, Oct., 1843.

The Huguenots in France and America; [Longfellow's] The Spanish Student; [J. G. Percival's] The Dream of a Day [Reviews]; 4, 270-2, Oct., 1843.

  • Tantalus; 4, 357-63, Jan., 1844.

The Young American; 4, 484-507, Apr., 1844.

The Tragic; 4, 515-21, Apr., 1844.

  • Ethnical Scriptures: Chaldean Oracles; 4, 529-36, Apr., 1844.

Ezra Ripley, D.D.; Concord Republican, Oct. 1, 1841; Atlantic Monthly, 52, 592-6, Nov., 1883.

To the Public [Editor's Address]; Massachusetts Quarterly Review, I, 1-7, Dec., 1847.

    • Essays and Tales by John Sterling [Review]; ibid., 1, 515-6, Sept., 1848.
  • [A. H. Clough's] The Bothie of Toper-na-Fuosich; [Review]; ibid., 2, 249-52, Mar., 1849.

War; The Æsthetic Papers [edited by Elizabeth P. Peabody], I [all published], 36-50, 1849.