Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/305

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Travellers and Explorers, 1846-1900 717 Notes on the Ethnology of Tibet. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1893. Washington 1895- Rockwell, Charles. Sketches of Foreign Travel and Life at Sea, including a Cruise on board a Man-of-War . . . and a Treatise on the Navy of the United States. 2 vols. Boston, 1842. Rogers, George. Memoranda of the Experience, Labors and Travels of a Uni- versalist Preacher. Written by himself. Cincinnati, 1845. [Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Western Pennsylvania, etc.] Roosevelt, Theodore. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. 1885. Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail. 1888. The Wilderness Hunter. 1893. Thomas Hart Benton. 1887. African Game Trails. 1910. Through the Brazilian Wilderness. 1914. Root, Frank A., and Connelley, Wm. E. The Overland Stage to California. Personal Reminiscences, etc. Topeka, 1901. Rosen, Rev. Peter. Pahasapa; or. The Black HiUs of South Dakota. St. Louis, 1895. [Fur trade, Sioux, Custer, etc.] Ross, Alexander. The Fur Hunters of the Far West. A Narrative of Adventures in the Oregon and Rocky Mountains. 2 vols. London, 1855. [By an Englishman fifteen years in the wilderness.] Royce, Josiah. California from the Conquest in 1846 to the Second Vigilance Committee in San Francisco. Boston, 1886. On Fremont. Atlantic Monthly, 1890. Rushng, James P. Across America; or. The Great West and the Pacific Coast. 1874, 1877. Russell, Charles M. The Cow-boy Artist. Studies of Western Life. 1890. Russell, Frank. Explorations in the Far North. ... An Expedition under the Auspices of the University of Iowa during the Years 1892-3-4. University of Iowa, 1898. Russell, Osborne. The Journal of a Trapper; or. Nine Years in the Rocky Moun- tains, 1 834-1 843. Boise [1914]. [Privately printed.] [Russell was a trapper with Wyeth, 1834, on the way west.] Rutgers, L. On and Off the Saddle: Sights and Scenes in Wyoming, California, etc. 1894. Ruxton, Geo. F. Life in the Far West. 1849. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 1848. [An Englishman. Important.] Ryan, Wilham Redmond. Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower California in 1848-9 with the Author's Experience at the Mines. London, 1850. [Englishman.] Sage, Rufus B. Scenes in the Rocky Mountains and in Oregon, California, New Mexico and the Grand Prairies; or. Notes by the Way during an Excursion of Three Years. Philadelphia, 1846. Boston, 1857. St. John, J. R. A True Description of the Lake Superior Country, etc., etc. 1846. [Personal narrative.] Sampson, Alden. A Bear Hunt in the Sierras. 1895. Samuels, Samuel. From the Forecastle to the Cabin. 1887. [Introduction by Bishop Potter. A classic of the sea.] Santa F6. The Conquest of Santa F6 and Subjugation of New Mexico by the . . . United States, with Documents. 48 pp. Philadelphia, 1847. Santleben, August. A Texas Pioneer: Early Staging, ... on the Frontiers of Texas and Mexico. Edited by I. D. Affleck. 1910. Saville, Marshall H. The Antiquities of Manibi. An Archaeological Journey through Ecuador. 2 vols. 1907-1910. [300 copies printed, scarce.] Saxon, Isabelle. Five Years Within the Golden Gate. Philadelphia, 1 868.