Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/315

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Travellers and Explorers, 1846-1900 727 Wight, Samuel P. Adventures in California and Nicaragua inRhyme. Boston, i860. Wilcox, Walter Dwight. Camping in the Canadian Rockies. 1 896. The Rockies of Canada. 1900. Wilkes, Captain Charles. The Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedi- tion during the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. Five vols. [California, Oregon, etc., in Vols. 4 and 5.] Philadelphia, 1844. [Other editions.] Western America Including California and Oregon. 1849. See, also, Colvocoresses. Wilkes, George. Project of a National Railroad from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, etc. 1845. Europe in a Hurry. 1853. Wilkie, F. B. (Poliuto). Walks about Chicago, and Army and Miscellaneous Sketches. Chicago, 1869. Sketches Beyond the Sea. Chicago, 1879. Wilkins, J. H. The Great Diamond Hoax, etc. San Francisco, 1913. [Im- portant California Pioneer Narrative; Life of Asbury Harpending.] Wilkinson, J. The Narrative of a Blockade Runner. 1877. Willey , Samuel H. Thirty Years in California. 1 849-1 879. San Francisco, 1 879. Williams, Rev. Albert. A Pioneer Pastorate and Times: Embodying Local Trans- actions and Events; Voyage to California in 1849; The Vigilance Committee of 1850 and 1 85 1, etc. San Francisco, 1879. Williams, George W. Sketches of Travel in the Old and New World. Charleston, S. C, 1871. Williams, J. S. Old Times in West Tennessee: Reminiscences of Pioneer Life, etc., by a Descendant of One of the First Settlers. Memphis, 1873. Williams, Meade C. Early Mackinac, the Fairy Island. St. Louis, 1897. Williams, S. Wells. The Middle Kingdom. A Survey of the Geography, Govern- ment, Education, etc. of the Chinese Empire and Its Inhabitants. 1848. Willis, N. P. Loiterings of Travel. 3 vols. London, 1840. Letters from Under a Bridge. London, 1840. Pencillings by the Way. London, 1835. Phila- delphia, 1836. New York, 1844. A Summer Cruise in the Mediterranean. 1853. A Health Trip to the Tropics. 1853^ Willis, Mary H. A Winter in California. Norristown, Pa., 1889. Wilson, Robert A. Mexico and Its Religion, with Incidents of Travel in that Country in 1851-52-53 and 54. ' 1855. Winchester, James D. Experiences on a Voyage from Lytm, Mass., to San Francisco, California, and to the Alaskan Gold Fields. Salem Mass., 1900. Winter, William. English Rambles. Boston, 1883. The Trip to England. 1879. [111. by Joseph Jefferson.] Gray Days and Gold. 1896. Shakespeare's England. 1892. Winthrop, Theodore. The Canoe and the Saddle: Adventures Among the North- western Rivers and Forests ; and Isthmiana. Boston, 1 863. Life in the Open Air and Other Papers. Boston, 1863. Wise, Daniel. Summer Days on the Hudson. From Sandy Hook to the Saranac Lakes. 1875. Wise, Lieutenant [Henry Augustus, Master of the Independence frigate in 1847]. Los Gringos. 1849,1857. Scampavias. 1857. Tales for the Marines. 1855. Wood, George W. Report of Mr. Wood's Visit to the Choctaw and Cherokee Missions [of Arkansas] 1855. 24 pp. Boston, 1855. Wood, William. Autobiography. 2 vols. 1895. [Privately printed.] [Voyage to New Orleans in 1844 ... to Fort Smith, Ark., 1845, etc.] Wood, Wm. Maxwell. Wandering Sketches of People and Things in South America, Polynesia, CaUfomia, etc. Philadelphia, 1849. [The author spent the years 1 844, 45 and 46 on the Pacific Coast.] Frankwei ; or, the San Jacinto in the Seas of India, China and Japan. 1859.