Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/327

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Later Historians 739 Lea, Arthur Henry. Henry Charles Lea. Philadelphia, 1910. [Pp. 24: a large life by the same author is announced.] Cheyney, Edward Potts. Henry Charles Lea. Am. Philos. Soc. Proceedings. L. Appendix, iii-xli. Baumgarten, Paul Maria. Henry Charles Lea's Historical Writings; A Critical Inquiry into their Method and Merit. 1909. Eng. trans, from Die Werke von Henry Charles Lea und verwandte Bticher. Munster, 1908. Casey, Patrick H. Notes on a History of Henry Charles Lea's History of Auricular Confession. Philadelphia, 1899. Castelot,. E. L'expulsion des Moriques d'Espagne. Jour d. 6conomistes, ser. 6. Vol. iv, 3-19. Thurston, Herbert. Dr. H. C. Lea on the Causes of the Reformation. Phila- delphia, 1903. Am. Cath. Quar. Rev., xxviii, 417-34. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Works as follows': Vols. 1-5. The Native Races of the Pacific States. San Francisco, 1874-75, 1882. Written by Bancroft, H. H. ; Oak, H. L. ; Harcourt, T. A. ; Goldschmidt, A. ; Fisher, W. U. ; and Nemos, William. Vols. 6-8. History of Central America. San Francisco, 1882-87, 1890. Written by Bancroft, H. H.; Oak, H. L.; Nemos, William; Savage, Thomas; and Peatfield, J. J. ; with some aid from others. Vols. 9-14. History of Mexico. San Francisco, 1883-88, 1890. Written under Bancroft's supervision by Nemos, William; Savage, Thomas; Peatfield, J. J.; with some aid from others. Vols. 15-16. History of the Northern Mexican States. San Francisco, 1883-89. Written by Oak, H. L. ; Peatfield, J. J. ; and others. Vol. 17. History of Arizona and New Mexico. San Francisco, 1889, 1890. Written by Oak, H. L. Vols. 18-24. History of California. San Francisco, 1888-90, 1890. Vols. 1-5 [18-22] written by Oak, H. L.; 6-7 [23-24] by Nemos, Wilhami Victor, Mrs. Frances Fuller. Vol.25. History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. San Francisco, 1890. Written by Victor, Mrs. Frances Fuller, except chapters i and 11, which were written by Bancroft, H. H. Vol. 26. History of Utah. San Francisco, 1889, 1890. Largely written by Bates, Alfred. Vols. 27-28. History of the Northwest Coast. San Francisco, 1884, 1890. First half written by Oak, H. L. Vols. 29-30. History of Oregon. San Francisco, 1886-8, 1890. Written by Victor, Mrs. Frances Fuller. Vol. 31. History of Washington, Idaho and Montana. San Francisco, 1890. Written by Victor, Mrs. Frances Fuller. Vol. 32. History of British Coltmibia. San Francisco, 1888, 1890. Written by Ban- croft, H. H.; Nemos, William; Bourman, Amos; and Bates, Alfred. Vol. 33. History of Alaska. San Francisco, 1886, 1890. Written by Bancroft, H. H. ; Bates, Alfred; PetroflE, Ivan; and Nemos, William. Vol. 34. California Pastorals. San Francisco, 1888. Written chiefly by Bancroft, H. H. Vol. 35. California Inter Pocula. San Francisco, 1888. Written chiefly by Bancroft, H. H. Chapter xix and some of the incidents elsewhere by Victpr, Mrs. Prances Fuller. Vols. 36-37. Popular Tribunals. San Francisco, 1887. Written chiefly by Bancroft, H. H. Vol. 38. Essays and Miscellanies. San Francisco. 1890. Written by Bancroft, H. H. Vol. 39. Literary Industries. San Francisco, 1890. Written by Bancroft, H. H. The Early American Chroniclers. San Francisco, 1883. [A reply to the criticisms of Lewis H. Morgan.] A Popular History of the Mexican People. San Fran- cisco, 1887. History of the Life of William Gilpin. San Francisco, 1889. ' The assignment of authors to the various volumes follows William Alfred Morris in Oregon Historical Quarterly, iv, 287-364.