Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/339

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Later Philosophy 75 1 Hale, Edward Everett, Jr. The Life and Letters of Edward Everett Hale. Boston, 1917. 2 vols. Holmes, John Jaynes. The Life and Letters of Robert CoUyer. 1917. 2 vols. Farley, John Cardinal. Life of John Cardinal McClosky, first Primate of the Church in New York. 1899- 1900. XV. Miscellaneous McClintock, John, and Strong, James. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature. 1880. 10 vols. Schaff, Philip; Jackson, Samuel M.; and Schaff, D. S. A Religious Encyclopedia. 1889. New edition 12 vols. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson. 1908- 1912. Jackson, Samuel Macauley. Concise Dictionary of Religious Knowledge and Gazetteer. 1891. Cook, Joseph. Boston Monday Lectures. Boston, 1 877-1 881. Deems, Charles P., Editor. Lectures on Philosophy, Christian Evidences, BibUcal Elucidation. 1886-1889. 6 vols. Vincent, John H. The Chautauqua Movement. Boston, 1886. Marsh, John. Temperance Recollections. 1866. Dorchester, Daniel. The Liquor Problem in All Ages. 1884. Butterworth, Hezekiah. The Story of the Hymns. 1875. Duifield, Samuel W. Enghsh Hymns. 1886. Nutter, Chas. S. Historic Hymnists. Boston, 1893. CHAPTER XVII LATER PHILOSOPHY General Authorities Perry, R. B. Present Philosophical Tendencies. 1912. Porter, Noah. Philosophic in Nord Amerika. Philosophische Monatshefte, XI, 1875- Riley, Woodbridge. American Thought. 1915. Santayana, George. Winds of Doctrine. 1913. Thilly, Frank. La Philosophic en Amerique. Revue de Metaphysique et de Morale. 1908. Van Becelaere, J. L. La Philosophic en Amerique. 1904. See, also, Mcintosh, D. The Problem of Knowledge, 1915, and the Bibli- ography for American philosophy in Uberweg's History of Philosophy, translated by Morris. Also the nth German edition (1916) v. 4, pp. 80 ff. See, also, above. Bibliographies to Book I, Chap, iv, and Book II, Chap. vili. The Scottish Philosophy (called Realism) Bowen, Francis (181 1-91). Essays on Speculative Philosophy. 1842. Applica- tions of Metaphysical and Ethical Science to the Evidences of Religion. 1 849. Logic or the Laws of Pure Thought. 1 864. An American Pohtical Economy, 1869. Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Schopenhauer. 1878. Dabney, R. L. (1820- 1898). The Sensualistic Philosophy of the Nineteenth Century. 1875. Gill, W. I. Analytic Processes of the Primary Principles of Philosophy. 1876. Hamilton, E.J. (1834- )■ A New Analysis of Fundamental Morals. 1870. The