Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/350

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762 Bibliographies Eytinge, Rose. Memories. 1905. Frohman, Daniel (and Isaac P. Marcosson). Charles Frohman: Manager and Man. With an Appreciation by James M. Barrie. 1916. Frohman, Daniel. Memories of a Manager. Reminiscences of the Old Lyceum and of Some Players of the Last Quarter Century. 191 1. Gilbert, Mrs. Memoirs. (In the Dunlap Society Publications, No. 11, is con- tained the Life of John Gilbert.) Grossman, Edwina Booth. Edwin Booth: Recollections by his Daughter. 1894. Howard, Bronson. In Memoriam. 1842-1908. 1910. Jefferson, Eugenie Paul. Intimate Recollections of Joseph Jefferson. 1909. Joseph. Autobiography. 1889,1890. (5ee Francis Wilson.) Keese, W. L. Life of W. E. Burton. Dunlap Society Publications, No. 14. (See also his A Group of Comedians. Dunlap Society, n. s., 15, 1901.) Kellogg, Clara Louise. Memoirs of an American Prima Donna. 1913. McKay, F. E., and Wingate, C. E. L. Famous Actors of To-day. 2 vols. 1896. Matthews, Brander. These Many Years. Recollections of a New Yorker. 1917. Brander, and Hutton, Laurence. Actors and Actresses in Great Britain and the United States, from the Days of David Garrick to the Present Time. 1 750-1 886. 1886. 5 vols. Modjeska, Helena. Memories and Impressions. An Autobiography. 1910. Morrell, T. H. Life of George Holland. (Privately printed, 1871.) Morris, Clara. The Life of a Star. 1906. Moses, Montrose J. Famous Actor-Families in America. 1906. Pemberton, T. Edgar. Memoir of E. A. Sothern. (Re-issued by his son, as Lord Dundreary.) Rinau, Dora. Diary of a Daly Debutante. Being Passages from the Journal of a Member of Augustin Daly's Famous Company of Players. 1910. Sothern, Edward H. TheMelancholy Taleof "Me: My Remembrances. 1916. Stebbins, Emma. Charlotte Cushman: Her Letters and Memories of Her Life. Boston, 1878. Wallack, Lester. Memories of Fifty Years. Introduction by Laurence Hutton. 1889. Williams, John D. Charles Frohman. Wilson, Francis. Joseph Jefferson. Reminiscences of a Fellow Player. 1906. Wilstach, Paul. Richard Mansfield, the Man and the Actor. 1908. (See William Winter.) Winter, William. John Brougham. 1881. Ada Rehan. 1891. Life and Art of Edwin Booth. 1893. Life and Art of Richard Mansfield. 2 vols. 1910. The Wallet of Time. 2 vols. 1913. Tyrone Power. 1913. Life of David Belasco. 2 vols. 1918. WooUcott, Alexander. Mrs. Fiske: Her Views on Actors, Acting, and the Prob- lems of Production. 191 7. (See Frank C. Griffith's Mrs. Fiske. Washington, 1912.) The Little Theatre Movement Aldis, Mary. *Plays for Small Stages. 1915. Baker, George Pierce. *(Harvard Workshop Plays.) Vol. i, Plays of the 47 Workshop. Vol. 11, Plays of the Harvard Dramatic Club. 1918. ♦Portmanteau Plays. Stuart Walker. With Introduction by Edward Hale Bier- stadt. Cincinnati. 1917. More Portmanteau Plays. 1919. ♦Provincetown Plays, ist series. 1916: Bound East for Cardiff. Eugene G. O'Neill; The Game. Louise Bryant; King Arthur's Socks. Floyd Dell.