Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/371

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Political Writing Since 1850 783 Lloyd, H. D. Wealth vs. Commonwealth. 1894. Mahoney, D. A. A Prisoner of State. 1863. The Pour Acts of Despotism. 1863. Morse, S. F. B. Foreign Conspiracy against the Liberties of the United States. 7th ed. 1852. Morgan, A. T. Yazoo, or On the Picket Line of Freedom in the South. 1889. Nordhoflf, Charles. The Cotton States. 1 875-1 876. Pefifer, W. A The Farmer's Side. 1891. The Rise and Fall of Populism in the United States. 19OQ. Periam, J. The Groundswell. Cincinnati and Chicago, 1874. Pike, J. S. The Prostrate State. 1874. Pollard, E. A. Black Diamonds gathered in the Darkey Homes of the South. 1859. The Lost Cause. 1866. The Lost Cause Regained. 1868. Life of Jefferson Davis. Philadelphia, n.d. Poore, Ben. P. Perley's Reminiscences. 2 vols. Philadelphia, n.d. Powderley, T. V. Thirty Years of Labor. Columbus, 1890. Reagan, J. H. Memoirs. 1906. Reid, Whitelaw. After the War. 1866. Roosevelt, Theodore. The New Nationalism. 1910. Autobiography. 1913. Ross, F. A. Slavery Ordained of God. Philadelphia, 1857. Ruffin, Edmund. Political Economy of Slavery. Richmond, 1857. Ruffner, Henry. Address to the People of West Virginia. Lexington, 1847. Sage, B. J. (Centz, P. C). The Republic of Republics, or American Federal Liberty. London, 1865. Schurz, Carl. Reminiscences. 3 vols. 1907-09. Seabury, Samuel. American Slavery Distinguished from the Slavery of English Theorists and Justified by the Law of Nations. 1861. Seligman, E. R. A. The Income Tax. 1911. Seward, W.H. Works. 5 vols. Boston, 1883. Shaw, Albert. Municipal Government in Great Britain. 1895. Municipal Government in Continental Europe. 1895. Sherman, John. Recollections of Forty Years. 2 vols. Chicago, n.d. Simms, W. G. (Ed.) Pro Slavery Argument. Philadelphia, 1853. Smith, W. A. Lectures on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery. Nashville, 1856. Stephens, A. H. Constitutional View of the Late War Between the States. Philadelphia, n.d. Reviewers Reviewed. 1872. Recollections; Prison Diary. 1910. Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Boston, 1852. Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin. Boston, 1853. Stringfellow, Thornton. The Bible Argument vs. Slavery. Nashville, 1856. Stuart, Moses. Conscience and the Constitution. Boston, 1850. Sumner, Charles. Works. 15 vols. Boston, 1870-93. Memoir and Letters. 4 vols. Boston, 1877-93. Sumner, W.G. Protectionism. Relation of Tariff to Wages. 1888. Trescott, W. H. Position and Course of the South. Charleston, 1850. Welles, Gideon. Diary. 3 vols. Boston, 191 1. Wells, D. A. Creed of a Free Trader. 1875. West, Max. The Inheritance Tax. New York, 1893. Westen, G. M. Progress of Slavery in the United States. Washington, 1857. Weyl, Walter E. The New Democracy. 1912. White, Horace. Coin's Financial Fool. 1896.