Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/377

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Lincoln 789 Langdon, W. C, James, E. J., and Baldensperger, F. Abraham Lincoln To-day. University of Illinois, 191 8. Laughlin, Clara E. The Death of Lincoln; the Story of Booth's Plot, his Deed and the Penalty. 1909. Lea, J. H., and Hutchinson, J. R. The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln. Boston, 1909. [Important.] Learned, M. D. Abraham Lincoln an American Migration; Family English not German. Philadelphia, 1909. Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln and the Abolition of Slavery in the United States. 1879. Lincoln Centeimial Medal, The: Presenting the Medal of Abraham Lincoln by Jules Edouard Roin6 together with Papers on the Medal. 1908. Lodge, H. C. The Democracy of Abraham Lincoln. In: The Democracy of the Constitution and Other Addresses and Essays. 1915. Lowell, J. R. Abraham Lincoln. North American, Dec, 1863. In: Political Essays, 1888. MacChesney, N. W. (ed.) Abraham Lincoln; the Tribute of a Century, 1809- 1909. Commemorative of the Lincoln Centenary and containing the Princi- pal Speeches Made in Connection therewith. Chicago, 1910. McClure, A. K. Abraham Lincoln and Men of War- Times. Philadelphia, 1892. Mace, W. H. Lincoln, the Man of the People. Chicago. 1912. Marais, A. Abraham Lincoln. Histoire d'un homme du peuple. Paris, 1880. Markens, I. Abraham Lincoln and the Jews. 1909. Lincoln's Masterpiece: A Review of the Gettysburg Address. 1913. Meca, J. Abraham Lincoln intimo, apuntes hist6rico-anecd6ticos de su vida y de su ^poca. Barcelona, 1909. Meserve, F. H. The Photographs of Abraham Lincoln. 191 1. Minor, C. L. C. The Real Lincoln. Richmond, 1901. [Anti-Lincoln.] Monod, E. Un grand Am^ricain: Abraham Lincoln. Lausanne, 1911. Moores, C. W. The Life of Abraham Lincoln for Boys and Girls. Boston, 1909. Morgan, J. Abraham Lincoln, the Boy and the Man. 1908. Morse, J. T., Jr. Abraham Lincoln. Boston, 1893. 2 vols. Mudge, Z. A. The Forest Boy: A Sketch of the Life of Abraham Lincoln. For Young People. 1867. Newton, J. F. Abraham Lincoln: An Essay. Cedar Rapids, 1910. Lincoln and Hemdon. Cedar Rapids, 1910. Nicolay, Helen. The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1906. Characteristic Anecdotes of Lincoln from Unpublished Notes of . . . John G. Nicolay. Century, Sept., 1912. Personal Traits of Abraham Lincoln. 1912. Nicolay, J. G. Abraham Lincoln. Boston, 1882. [Reprint of Article in Ency- clopasdia Britannica, 9th ed.] The Gettysburg Address with Facsimile of the Manuscripts. Century, Feb., 1894. Lincoln's Literary Experiments. Century, Apr., 1894. A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1902. Nicolay, J. G., and Hay, John. Lincoln and the Church. Century, Aug., 1889. Abraham Lincoln: A History. 1890. 10 vols. Norton, Eliot. Abraham Lincohi, a Lover of Mankind: An Essay. 1911. Oberholtzer, E. P. Abraham Lincoln. Philadelphia, 1904. Oldroyd, O. H. Lincoln's Campaign. Chicago, 1896. The Assassination of Lincoln. Washington, 1901. The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Abraham Lincoln : Commemora- tive Exercises Arranged by Union and Confederate Veterans . . . Feb. 14, 1909. Atlanta, 1909.