Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/441

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Index 853 McLaughlin and Old Oregon, 140 Maclure, Wm., 436 McTeague, 93 McVickar, John, 433 Madame Butterfly, 281, 282 Madison, James, 227, 396, 453 Madrid, M., 593 Madrigals arid Catches, 52 Maeterlinck, 50, 285 Maggie A Girl of the Streets, 92 Maggie Pepper, 287 Magnalia Christi Americana, 73, 392 Mahaflfy, 239, 466 Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 194, 196-7, 200, 229 Mahn, C. A. P., 477 Mahoney, D. A., 349 Mai Kamashmalon, 602 Mail and Express, 44 Major, Charles, 91, 288 Major Barbara, 294 Making of an American, The, 420 Mallarml, 50 Malory, 6, 17, 18 Mai thus, 428, 431 Malthusianism and Capitalism, 601 Man, The, 437 Man and Nature, 473 Manatt, Irving, 468 Man from Home, The, 288 Manly, William Lewis, 150 Mann, Horace, 404, 408, 409, 410 Manners, J. Hartley, 295 Mansfield, Richard, 278, 280, 283 Mansions of England, The, 100 Man's Woman, A, 93 Man's World, A, 295 Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg, The, 14 Manual of Political Economy (Cooper, T.),433 Manual of Pohtical Economy, A (Smith, E. P.), 436 Manuscript Found, 520 Man Who Owns Broadway, The, 289 Man Without a Country, The, 120, 349 Marble Faun, The, 489, 489 n. March, P. A., 479, 480-81 Marching through Georgia, 497 Marcy, 175 Mardi and a Voyage Thither, 156 Margaret Fleming, 285 Margery's Lovers, 273 Margin of Profits, The, 440 Marion Darche, 88 Market-Place, The, 92 Markham, Edwin, 312 Sir Clements, 626 Marks, Josephine Preston Peabody, 291 ' ' Mark Twain. ' ' See Clemens, Samuel Langhome Marlowe, Christopher, 126 Julia, 279, 283 Marlowe, 291 Marquis, Don, 22 Marriage of Guenevere, The, 5 1 Marsh, George Perkins, 473 James, 228 Marshall (Discoverer of Gold in Cali- fornia), 145 (English playwright), 279 John, 253 W. I., 137 "Marshall's Own Account of the Gold Discovery," 145 Martin, Edward S., 22 — E. W.,356 G. M., 420 Helen R., 585 W. A. P., 155 Martineau, Harriet, 228 »., 406 Martin Eden, 94 Martini, 450 Martyr, Justin, 466 Martyr Book, 536 Marvellous Country, The, 132 Marvin, W. T., 264 Maryland, 497 Marzio's Crucifix, 88 Mason, Lowell, 495, 499, 500 Walt, 498 Masque of Judgment, The, 63 Masquerier, L., 438 Massachusetts, its Historians and His- tory, 198 Massacre of Cheyenne Indians, 148 Masses, 333 Masters, Edgar Lee, 65, 76, 615 Mater, 277 Mather, Cotton, 73, 389, 390, 392, 444 Richard, 534 Mathew Carey, 547 n. Matthews, Brander, 7, 17, 129, 269, 272. 273-4. 274 n., 290, 419 Washington, 633 Maum Guinea, 71 Maupassant, 606 "Max Adeler." See Clark, Charles Heber Maxwell, 244 Mayflower, The, 70 Mayo, Margaret, 295 Mayo-Smith, R., 442 Mead, Elinor G., 77 Meaning of Edtication, 423 Meaning of Truth, The, 249 Mechanics' Free Press, The, 436 Mechanics' Mirror, 437 Medea, 465 Medill, Joseph, 323, 327 Meek, Joe, 153 Meeker, Ezra, 135 Megrue, Roi Cooper, 295 Meigs, William M., 140 Mein Buch, 583 MeinLeben (Seume), 578 Mein Yiingele, 602