Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/46

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458 Scholars which Ticknor willingly committed himself, and another strength than the one he had. There were temperamental reasons, too, why Ticknor could never have made such a higher synthesis. He belongs essentially to the hard-headed group of American writers who, like Andrews Norton, stopped short of transcendentalism. Ticknor's German training had taught him what much of the British scholarship of his time sorely needed to learn — the need of the broadest possible basis in facts; from that point onward, however, his scholarship re- mained essentially British in its distrust of ideas. The His- tory of Spanish Literature is much more like Warton's History of English Poetry and Hallam's Middle Ages than it is like any- thing German. More serious temperamental defects are still to be mentioned. The plain fact is that Ticknor did not pos- sess certain of the indispensable organs of literary scholarship. He lacked ordonnance; he was blind to the French literature of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance ; and he wanted ear — especially for verse. His lack of the sense for sequence, ar- rangement, and emphatic or conspicuous position appears even in the unworkmanlike construction of many of his sentences, and in the misplacement of matter (especially in footnotes) just at the point where random association happened to make him think of it. In his references to French literature, which in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was so closely connected with Spanish, he disparages Ronsard and misassigns him with the decadents ; he has not a word about Du Bellay ; and, almost incredibly, he seems not even to have known of the Chanson de Roland. His want of ear and want of the sense of arrange- ment make his history difficult reading. Only occasionally does it attain anything worthy of the name of style. Ticknor, as has been intimated, left no school; though American scholars have since studied cosas de Espana, they do not take him for their point of departure, and his work ends rather than begins an era. While it was Ticknor who turned the attention of Prescott to Spanish history, yet Ticknor's own History did not appear until after Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, Conquest oj Mexico, and Conquest of Peru. It belongs in fact rather with the discursive historical work of Irving and of Prescott than with the minute textual studies and editions which have been the chief task of later Spanish scholarship in