Page:The Campaign - Addison (1710).djvu/3

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POEM, &c.

WHile Crouds of Princes Your Deserts proclaim,
Proud in their Number to enroll Your Name;
While Emperors to You commit their Cause,
And ANNA's Praises crown the vast Applause;
Accept, Great Leader, what the Muse recites,
That in ambitious Verse attempts Your Fights,
Fir'd and transported with a Theme so new:
Ten Thousand Wonders op'ning to my View,
Shine forth at once, Sieges and Storms appear,
And Wars and Conquests fill th'Important Year;
Rivers of Blood I see, and Hills of Slain,
An Iliad rising out of One Compaign.

The Haughty Gaul beheld, with tow'ring Pride,
His ancient Bounds enlarg'd on ev'ry Side;
Pirene's lofty Barriers were subdu'd,
And in the midst of his wide Empire stood;
Ausonia's States, the Victor to restrain,
Oppos'd their Alps and Appenines in vain,
Nor found themselves, with strength of Rocks immur'd,
Behind their Everlasting Hills secur'd;
The rising Danube its long Race began,
And half its Course through the new Conquests ran;
Amaz'd and anxious for her Sov'raign's Fates,
Germania trembled through a Hundred States;
