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The Canal System of England.

Via Stroudwater 3 Companies.
Via Warwick 9 Companies.
III. Birmingham to Bristol (3 Canal Routes).
Via Worcester 3 Companies.
Via Stourbridge 5 Companies.
Via Wolverhampton Locks 4 Companies.
IV. Hull to Liverpool (3 Canal Routes).
Via Leeds and Liverpool 4 Companies.
Via Rochdale 7 Companies.
Via Huddersfield 9 Companies.
V. London to Hull (2 Canal Routes).
Via Leeds Navigation 8 Companies.
Via Coventry 9 Companies.

Variation of Freights on through routes.Thus a trader desirous of sending iron-work from London to Liverpool, would have to deal with no fewer than seven canals, who charge tolls varying from 2d. to 1s. 9d. per ton in all 5s. 2d. per ton, to Preston Brook, within 20 miles of Liverpool. If, however, the traffic is to be carried 20 miles further, it has to be transhipped into larger craft and carried on the Bridgewater Canal, the owners of which charge 7s. 6d. per ton, or more by 2s. 4d. than the other six companies charged for the whole distance of 22014 miles over which they had carried the goods.[1]

Amalgamation.Railway Companies long since recognised the advantages to be gained by amalgamation. All the large Railway
  1. Jeans—Waterways and Water Transport. Since Mr. Jeans' book was published the Manchester Ship Canal Co. has purchased the Bridgewater Canal.