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He hurriedly scooped up a cup of water, but when he turned round again Hamamato was prostrate on the mat, with Miesima, Komaka and Kurose surrounding him and chafing his back.


The next day, in the rain, Ozawa, Miesima and Kurose went off, for the first time in two years, to visit Todoroki in Samajee. Their whole conception of the world had changed since the evening before. There was no longer that feeling of strain which they had felt before parting with Todoroki.

“So you’ve come to talk about the Peasants’ Union? If the Union begins to function properly, you will be our saviours, the whole eleven of you.”

“Not us—Hamamato. Last night he had a hæmorrhage and he’s in a hotel now.”

When they began to talk about Hamamato’s illness all four of them, as if by common consent, put down their cups of sake.[1]

“No, thanks. Let’s stop that.”

Todoroki pushed away his cup.

“You’re right. I’ll stop too”—and Miesima, following his example, also pushed away his cup.

Todoroki threw a straw cloak over his naked body and tied the strings of his straw hat under his chin, and ran out in the rain to call the rest. By noon about twenty persons were gathered together. Night fell, but no one went away.

It was very late when the three from Yotani, and

  1. Spirits distilled from rice.