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“Listen, Arishima was forced to resign at the directors’ meeting to-day.”

“Really?” Toyama was startled.

“At last capital has stripped off its mask and revealed its true self. There’s no room now even for the existence of a tiny bit of liberalism like his. It’s coming, it’s coming for sure!” Colour began to creep into his sallow cheeks. “You’re tired; you’re just like some dizzy moth. But now we can’t afford to let you or anyone else rest. Can we drag you into the fight, or must we smash you? It’s one or the other.”

Toyama gradually bowed his head.

“Come on, shake hands. And for the efficiency committee meeting to-morrow, come back to your old energetic self. Won’t you, comrade?”

Nagai looked for his hand. “Come on, give us your hand.” Toyama looked away as he gave it. “Thanks! That’s splendid, now I’ve shaken hands with you we’ve got nothing to fear any more.”

Toyama was afraid that tears of weakness would come to his eyes if he looked the other in the face. Nagai also turned away, saying in a forced brisk voice, “The enemy is only one, and the only death for us is fighting him.”


When the sound of the bell had died away the belts slowed down and stopped. A red board with a notice, “No overtime to-day,” was hung in every shop, and the workers cheerfully got ready for home