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In eddying course when leaves began to fly, And Autumn in her lap the stores to strew, As 'mid wild scenes I chanced the muse to woo,

Through glens untrod, and woods that frown'd on high

Two sleeping nymphs, with wonder mute I spy :— And, lo! she's gone.—In robe of dark green hue, 'Twas Echo from her sister Silence flew :

For quick the hunter's horn resounded to the sky.—

In shade affrighted Silence melts away. Not co her sister. Hark! for onward still

With far-heard step she takes her listening way, Bounding from rock to rock and hill to hill:

Ah ! mark the merry maid in mockful play,

With thousand mimic tones the laughing forest fill.

Sir Egerton Brydges.

The absence of a blessing is too often considered a positive evil.

Oh poverty! thou art indeed omnipotent I thou grindest us into desperation; thou confoundest all our boasted and most deep-rooted principles; thou fillest us to the very brim with malice and revenge, and rendered us capable of acts of unknown horror. May I never be visited by thee in the fulness of thy power! Godwin.