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Love, by fickle fancy banished,
Spurn'd by hope, indignant flies:
Yet, when love and hope arc vanished,
Restless mem'ry never dies.

Far I go where fate shall lead me,
Far across the restless deep;
Where no stranger's ear shall heed me,
Where no eye for me shall weep.

Proud has been my fatal passion,
Proud my injured heart shall be,
Whilst each thought, each inclination,
Still shall prove me worthy thee.

Not one sigh shall tell my story,
Not one tear my cheek shall stain,
Silent grief shall be my glory,
Grief that stoops not to complain.

Let the bosom prone to ranging,
Still by ranging seek a cure;
Mine disdains the thought of changing,
Proudly destined to endure.

Yet, ere far from all I treasured,
——— ere I bid adieu !
Ere my days of pain are measured,
Take the song that's still thy due.

Yet believe no servile passions,
Seek to charm thy vagrant mind,