Page:The Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons - 1854.djvu/225

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servants, proposed to search for him. She thankfully accepted the offer. We went to the wood calling on him aloud, and for some time I pursued a contrary path to the one I knew he laid in; at last we came to the dreadful spot, where we all stood aghast; I made most moving lamentations. We found he had been robbed and murdered. The poor fellows took up the body, and we proceeded to the house. I bid them go the back way, whilst I prepared my sister. Villain, and hardened as I was in wickedness, I trembled at this task, and the agitations of my mind, on entering her room, told the dreadful tale for me. "O, heavens! cried she, what is become of the Count! He is dead! He is dead!" (she repeated) as I was silent to the question. I drew out my handkerchief, and turned from her. She gave two or three heavy groans and fell to the ground."

Poor Matilda again gave way to the most lively emotions of grief. Weimar seemed much affected, and was some moments before he could proceed.

"I will not dwell on a scene so horrid. An express was sent into the city, search made for the murderer, but no traces appeared that could lead to a discovery. My sister continued very ill for many days, and my brother was universally regretted. My melancholy was observed by every one, and kindly noticed by the Countess, who desired I would act for her without reserve: this proof of her confidence gave me great credit, and not one suspicion, I believe, ever glanced on me. It was my first intention to have destroyed the child, but the deed I had done filled my mind with such horror, I could not imbrue my hands a second time in blood. I was some time unresolved in what manner to act. The Countess still kept her bed, in a very languid state. One morning, going to Agatha's room, I found her in tears; her child had died that night, in convulsions; it was in the cradle, and the features much distorted. A thought darted instantly into my head, to change the