Page:The Catalpa Expedition (1897).djvu/203

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Chief Office, Perth, Western Australia,
April 18, 1876.

James Darragh, 9707, life sentence, 2d. March, 1866, aged 42, Fenian, absconded from Freemantle, 8.30 a. m., April 17, 1876.

Martin Hogan, 9767, sentence, life, August 21, 1866, aged 37, Fenian, absconded as above.

Michael Harrington, 9757, life sentence, July 7, 1866, 48 years, Fenian, absconded as above.

Thomas Hassett, 9758, life sentence, June 26, 1866, Fenian, absconded, etc.

Robert Cranston, 9702, life sentence, June 26, 1866, Fenian, absconded, etc.

James Wilson, 9915, life sentence, Aug. 20, 1866, age 40, absconded, etc.

N. B.—Martin Hogan's marks include the letter D on his left side; so do those of Michael Harrington, Thomas Hassett, and James Wilson. April 18, 1876.

Sir,—I beg to inform you that on the 17th instant the imperial convicts named in the margin absconded from the convict settlement at Freemantle, in this colony, and escaped from the colony in the American whaling bark Catalpa, G. Anthony master. This bark is from New Bedford, Massachusetts, U. S. A. The convicts were taken from the shore in a whaleboat belonging to the Catalpa, manned by Captain Anthony and six of the crew. The abettors were Collins, Jones, and Johnson.

I attach the description of each of the absconders, and have to request that you will be good enough to furnish me with any particulars you may be able to gather concerning them.

I have the honor to be, sir,
Your obedient servant,
M. A. Smith, Supt. of Police.

To the Officer in charge of the Police Department,
New Bedford, Massachusetts, U. S. A.

It was addressed to "The Officer in charge of Police Department, New Bedford, Massachusetts, United States, America."