Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/138

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Hampers, Feanz, ph.D., b. at Oesede, Hanover, Germany, 16 October, 1868. Education: Gymnasia at Meppen and Essen-an-der-Ruhr, Germany; Universities of Munster and Munich. Academic assistant, Royal Public Library, Munich, 1894-1902; special professor (1902-1903) and professor of medieval and modern history (1903- ), University of Breslau. Author of: "Die tiburtinische Sibylle des Mittelalters" (1894); "Kaiserprophetien und Kaisersagen im Mittelalter" (1895; 2nd ed.: "Die deutsche Kaiseridee in Prophetie und Sage", 1896); " MittelalterUche Sagen vom Paradiese imd vom Holze des Kreuzes Christi" (1897); "Die lehninsche Weissagung iiber das Haus Hohenzollern" (1897); "Alexander der Grosse und die Idee des Weltim- periums in Prophetie und Sage" (1901, 2nd ed. 1912) ; "Dantes Kaisertraum" (1908); "Karl der Grosse" (1910); one of the editors of and collaborator in "Historisches Jahrbuch der Gorresgesellschaf t " ; contributor to "Kolnische Volkszeitung " .

ARTICLES: Fbederick I; Frederick II; Germany (From Beginning to Charles V); Godfrey of Vitehbo; Henry II, Saint; III; IV; V; VI (of Germany); Notker (i), Monks of St. Gall; Otto I, the Great; II; III; IV; Pepin the Short; Peter de Vinea; Rainald of Dassel; Richer, Chronicler; Rudolf of Habsburg; Sigismund, Emperor; Theodoric the Great; Widukind, Saxon Leader.

Kane, Reverend William Terence, s.j., b. at Chicago, lUinois, 20 October, 1880. Education: St. Ignatius College, Chicago; St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; College of Ona, Burgos, Spain. Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; has held the post of professor at Detroit College, Detroit, Michigan, and St. John's College, Behze, British Honduras; former lecturer in psychology, St. Xavier's College, Cincinnati, Ohio; ordained 1913;- stationed at College of Ona, Burgos, Spain, 1913-1914; at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo., 1915; at St. Stanislaus' House of Retreats, Cleveland, Ohio 1916- ABTICLE: Honduras, British, Vicariate Apostolic of.

Kaufmann, Right Reverend Monsignor Carl Maria, s.t.d., archaeologist, b. at Frankfort-on-the- Main, Germany, 2 March, 1872. Education: Univer- sities of Berlin and Fribourg, Switzerland; studied practical archaiology in Rome. Ordaiaed 1899; engaged in archaeological research in the Libyan Desert as member (and organizer) of the Frankfort Expedition 1905-1908; papal, chamberlain; resident at Frankfort-on-the-Main. Discoverer with his cousin, Mr. Ewald Falls, of the ancient Christian city of Menas, the Egyptian Lourdes. Member of the Academy of Christian Archaeology (Rome). Author of: "Die Jenseitshoffnungen der Griechen und Romer nach den Sepulkrahnschriften" (1897); "Die Legende der Aberkiosstele im Lichte urohristUcher Eschatologie" (1897); "Der Letzte Flavier", novel (1897; 2nd ed. 1898); "Das Dokument der Lady", novel (1899; 2nd ed. 1909) ; "Die sepulkralen Jenseits- denkmaler der Antike und des Urchristentums", Vol. I of "Forsohungen zur monumentalen Theologie und vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft" (1900); "Die Wunder der Kirche der Katakomben und Martyrer", novel (1st and 2nd eds. 1900); "Sant Elia, Erin- nenmgen an eine archaeologisohe Streife in Etrurien" (1901); "Das Kaisergrab in den Vatikanischen Grot- ten" (1901); "Die Grotten des Vatikan" (1902);

"Ein altchristliches Pompeji in der Libyschen Wuste" (1902); "Handbuch der christUchen Archaeologie" (1905); "Die Ausgrabung der Menasheihgtumer in der Mareotiswtiste", 3 parts (1906-1908); "Manuale di aroheologia cristiana (1908); "La D^oouverte des Sanctuaires de M6nas dans le D&ert de Mar^otis" (1908); "Der Menastempel und die Heiligtumer von Karm Abu Mina in der agyptischen MariHtwilste" (1909); "Zur Ikonographie der MenasampuUen" (1910); "Die Menasstadt und das NationaUieihgtum der altchristhchen Aegypter", Vol. I (1910) ; contribu- tor to numerous periodicals; pen name (for novels): Marchese di San Callisto.

ARTICLES; Inscriptions, Early Christian; Ostraka, Christian; Overbeck, Friedeich.

Kaupas, A. B., Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania. ARTICLES: Lithuanians in the United States.

Kavanagh, Reverend Dennis J., s.j., b. at San Francisco, 1877. Education: St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri; Gregorian University, Rome; Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1892; professor of English, history and the Classics (Sophomore Class), Santa Clara College, Santa Clara, California, 1901-1905; former assistant, Church of Our Lady of Sorrows, Santa Barbara, California; professor of economics, Santa Clara College, Santa Clara, California, 1910-1911; at St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1911- 1912; professor of the history of philosophy and political economy, 1912-1915; professor of logic, ontology and cosmology, special lecturer on philoso- phy in the college of law, St. Ignatius University, San Francisco, 1916. ARTICLES: Bengy, Anatole de; Catrou, FBANgois.

Keams, William Joseph, ll.b., lawyer, b. at Newark, New Jersey, 12 August, 1864. Education: St. Benedict's College, Newark ; New York University. Admitted to the Bar 1887 ; practising lawyer, Newark, New Jersey, 1887- ; former member of the New Jersey legislature; at present, counsel to the bishop and statutory attorney, diocese of Newark; New Jersey Supreme Court commissioner and master in chancery. Past Grand Knight, Newark Council, and past district deputy, Knights of Columbus; counsel to the Ruthenian Greek Catholic Diocese in the United States.

ARTICLE: New Jersey.

Keating, Reverend Joseph Ignatius Patrick, S.J., B.A., b. at Dundee, Scotland, 6 March, 1865. Education: private schools, Scotland and Ireland; Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England. Entered the Society of Jesus 1883; professor of Classics, Beaumont College, Old Windsor, England, 1891- 1896; ordained 1899; prefect of studies,. Stamford Hill College, London, 1901-1904; master of rhetoric (VI Form), Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England, 1904-1907; assistant editor (1907-1912) and editor (1912- ) of "The Month", London. Member of the Executive Committee, Cathohc Truth Society; member of the Executive Committee and acting Literary Editor, Catholic Social Guild. Author of pamphlets for Catholic Truth Society; joint author of "Stonyhurst College, Its Foundation and History"; contributor to "The Month" and other periodicals.