Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/153

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Mayenne, and Oblate scholasticates at Marseilles and Autun, France. Entered the Order of Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1860; sent to Canada and ordained 1864; professor of French, University of Ottawa, 1864-1865; missionary at Red River, Canada, 1865- 1866, and at Pembina, North Dakota, 1866-1867; engaged in parish work at St. Albert, Canada, 1867- 1874, 1877-1885, 1894-1897, and 1906- ; procura- tor, diocese of St. Albert, 1868- ; missionary at Lac Labiohe 1874r-lS77, at Calgary 1885-1894, and at Edmonton 1897-1906, Canada; vicar-general, former diocese of St. Albert; vicar-general. Arch- diocese of Edmonton, 1913- . As missionary, founded new missions and parishes, convents, schools, hospitals, and orphanages; built churches at St. Albert, Calgary, Edmonton, etc. ; delegate to Federal Government at Ottawa from settlers at St. Albert and surroundings to defend their rights, 1883. Author of "Hostility Unmasked", pamphlet (,1896).

ARTICLE: Saint Albert, Diocese of.

Lee, Reverend George, C.S.sp., b. at Castle Connell, Co. Limerick, Ireland, 30 May, 1852. Education: Blackrock College, Dublin, Ireland; Holy Ghost scholasticate, Paris. Entered the Congrega- tion of the Holy Ghost 1872; ordained 1883; has been at various times professor, director of scholastics, and pastor; at present, rector, St. Ann's Church, Millvale, Pennsylvania. Author of: "Our Lady of America" (Baltimore, 1897); "Life of Ven. Francis Libermann" (St. Louis, 1911); contributor to: "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Donahoe's Magazine"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Homiletic Monthly".

ARTICLE: Guadalupe, Shrine of.

Legal, Most Reverend Emile Joseph, O.M.i., B.A., D.D., Archbishop of Edmonton, Canada, b. at Nantes, France, 9 October, 1849. Education: Preparatory and Grand Seminaries, Nantes; Univer- sity of France. Ordained 1874; professor of mathe- matics for five years; entered the order of Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1879; went to Western Canada as a missionary 1880; missionary to the Blackfeet Indians, Southern Alberta, Canada, 1881-1897; Coadjutor Bishop (1897-1902) and Bishop (1902- 1913), St. Albert, Canada; Archbishop of Edmonton, Canada, 1913- . Has contributed to various periodicals, particularly to mission annals.

ARTICLE: Blood Indians.

Lehmkuhl, Reverend Augustinus, s..t., moral theologian, b. at Hagen, Westphalia, Germany, 23 September, 1834. Education: Primary, Hagen; Secondary, Essen-Ruhr, Rheinland, Germany; various Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1853; ordained 1862; at different times professor of Holy Scripture, of dogmatic theology and of moral theology, at the Jesuit scholasticates, Maria-Laaoh, Germany (1862-1872), and Ditton HaU, England, 1873-1880; has devoted his time to writing, stationed successively at Blyenbeek, Exaten and Valkenburg, Holland, 1880- . Member of the Union of Fribourg, Switzerland, 1884^1891 . Author of : "Herz Jesu Monat" (Paderborn, 1861; 11th ed. 1912); "Theologia moraUs", 2 vols. (Freiburg, 1883; 11th ed. 1910); "Compendium theologiae moralis" (Frei- burg, 1886; 5th ed. 1907); "Arbeitsvertrag und Strike" (Freiburg, 1891; 4th ed. 1904); "Die soziale Not und der kirchhche Einfluss" (Freiburg, 1892; 4th ed. 1905) ; "Die soziale Frage und die staatliche Gewalt" (Freiburg, 1893; 3rd ed. 1896); "Inter- nationale Regelung der sozialen Frage" (Freiburg, 1893; 3rd ed. 1896); "Der christliche Arbeiter" (Einsiedehi, 1895; 3rd ed. 1902); "Das Btirgerliche Gesetzbuch des deutsehen Reichs" (Freiburg, 1900; 7th ed. 1911); "Das Herz des gottlichen Menschen- freundes" (Duhnen, 1900; 2nd ed. 1906); "Casus conscientiae", 2 vols. (Freiburg, 1902; 4th ed. 1913); "Probablilismus vindicatus" (Freiburg, 1906); "Das Gattesbrot" (Freiburg, 1911; 2nd ed. 1912); edited: Schneider, "Medulla pietatis" (5th to 10th eds.; Cologne, 1884-1908); Schneider, "Manuale sacerdo- tum" (10th to 17th eds.; Cologne, 188.5-1910); De Ponte, "Meditationes", 6 vols. (Freiburg, 1889- 1890; 2nd ed. 190S-1910); Hausherr, "Compendium ceremoniarum" (3rd and 4th eds.; Freiburg, 1891, 1904); "Bibliotheca ascetica mystica": Arvi.senet, "Memoriale vitse sacerdotalis" (Freiburg, 1906) Blosius, Selected Works (Freiburg, 1907); Renter, "Neo-Confessarius" (Freiburg, 1910; 2nd ed. 1912) Bona, Selected Works (Freiburg, 1911); Dirckinck " Exhortationum Domesticarum", Bruges, 1913 collaborator: Herder's "Kirchenlexikon"; Herder's "Konversationslexikon"; Buchberger, "KirchUches Handlexikon"; contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria- Laach"; "Der KathoUk"; "Theologische praktische Quartalschrift"; "American Ecclesiastical Review".

ARTICLES: Divorce; Gregory of Valencia; Mariana, Juan; Marriage, Sacrament of; Sanchez, Thomas; Theology, Moral.

Leimkuhler, Reverend Matthias, S.M.

ARTICLES: Bachmann, Paul; Baubehger, Wilhelm; Bolzano, Bernhard; Bommel, Cornelius Richard Anton van.

Lejay, Abbé Paul Antoine Augustin, b. at Dijon, C6te d'Or, France, 3 May, 1861. Education: School of Higher Studies, Paris. Ordained 1890; professor of Latin philology. Catholic Institute, Paris, 1890- ; fellow of the University of France. Vice- president of the Section of Philology, International Catholic Scientific Congress, Fribourg, Switzerland, 1897; former president of the Linguistic Society of Paris. Author of: "Le r61e th^ologique de C^saire d' Aries" (1906); edited with notes Horace's Satires (1911); one of the editors of the Collection "Textes et documents poxa I'^tude historique de christian- isme"; collaborator in: Vacant, " Dictionnaire de th^ologie cathoUque"; Cabrol, "Dictionnaire d'arche- ologie chr^tienne et de Uturgie"; contributor to: "Revue critique d'histoire et de Utt^rature"; "Revue benedictiae" ; associate editor of " Revue de philologie, de litterature et d'histoire anciennes".

ARTICLES: Arator; Ausonius, Decimus Magnus; Cas- siodorus; Claudianus Mamertus; Commodianus; Consentius; Dacier, Andr^ and Anne; Dracontiub, Blossius ^^milius; Due, Fronton du; Du Cange, Charles Dufresne; Dupin, Louis-Ellies; Ennodius, Magnus Felix; Epiphanius (Scho- LASTicus) ; EvAGRiua (Scholasticus) ; Fohtunatus, Venantius HoNOHius Clementianus; Caret, Jean; Garland, John; Gaul, Christian; Hegesippus, The Pseudo-; Helpidius, Flavius Rusticius; Holstenius, Lucas; John of Hauteville; JuvENCus, C. Vettius Aquilinus; L.ETU8, PoMPONius; Lambin, Denis; Lascaris, Constantine; Lascaris, Janus; Latin Literature, Christian; Latin Literature in the Church, Classical; Mai, Angelo; Manuel Chrysoloras; Martianus Capella; Minucius Felix; Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco Pico della; Mirandola, Giovanni Pico della; Paulinus of Pella; Poggio Bracciolini, Giovanni Francisco; Politian; Priscianus; Proba, Faltonia; Prudentius, Aurelius Cle- mens; Salutati, Coluccio di Pierio di; Salvianub; Sannazaro, Jacopo; Scaliger, Julius C^sar; Sedulius; Serverus Sanctus Endelechius; Sidonius Apollinaris; Valois, Henri; Vavas- seur, Francois; Vespasiano da Bisticci; Vida, Marco GiROLAMO; ViT, ViNCENzo; VivEs, Juan Luis; Willems, Pierre.

Lenhart, Reverend John Maria, cm. cap., b. at Reifenberg, Bavaria, Germany, 4 May, 1873. Education: Gymnasium, Speyer, Germany; Capuchin scholasticate, Cumberland, Maryland. Entered the Capuchin Order 1889; ordained 1897; lector of philosophy. Capuchin scholasticate, Cumberland, Maryland, 1897-1903, and St. Fidelis's Monastery, Victoria, Kansas, 1903-1913; curate. Church of St. Alphonsus, Wheeling, W. Va., 1914-

ARTICLES: BARTHOLOM.EUS Anglicub; Candidus; Coc- CALEO, Viatora; Comboni, Daniel; Forbes, John; Tibet, Missionaries, Language and Literature of.

Lennox, Patrick Joseph, B.A., Litt.D., b. at Nurney, Co. Kildare, Ireland, 12 August, 1862. Education: primary school, Nurney; Rockwell Col-