Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/188

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Noon, Vert Reverend William Dominic, o.p., s.T.M. Education: St. Rose's, Springfield, Kentucky; St. Joseph's Scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; Minerva, Rome. Entered Dominican Order; professor of philosophy, St. Joseph's Scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio, 1901-1904; professor of theology. Immaculate Conception College, Washington, D. C, 1904-1907; professor of Uterature, St. Thomas University, Manila, Phihppine Islands, 1907-1912; professor of moral theology and the history of philosophy. Immaculate Conception College, Washington, 1912- 1915; rector, Chiirch of St. Catherine of Sienna, New York, 1915-

ABTICLE: Abaujo, Feaijcisco de.

Norton, Right Reverend John Henry, d.d.; Bishop of Port Augusta, Australia, b. at BaUarat, Victoria, 31 Dec, 1855. Education: St. Patrick's College, Melbourne, AustraUa; Melbourne Univer- sity, St. Kieran's College, Kilkenny, Ireland; Propa- ganda, Rome. Ordained 1882; pastor, Petersburg, 1884; diocesan consultor, 1894; vicar-general under Bp. Maher, 1896; administrator sede vacante at the death of the bishop; Bishop of Port Augusta, Austra- lia, 1906- . As parish priest erected church, presbytery, school, and convent at Petersburg; also churches at Dawson, Nackara, Lancelot, Yongala, Tectulpe, Renmark, Farnia, etc.; as bishop built churches at Warnertown, Hammond, and Wilming- ton, and convents at Caltowie, Jamestown, and Georgetown. Author of three "Reports on the Liabihties of the Diocese".

ABTICLE: Port AnousTA.

Nugent, Vert Reverend Francis Vincent, CM., M.A., b. at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, 15 January, 1855. Education: St. Vincent's College, Cape Girardeau, Mo.; St. Vincent's Seminary, German- town, Pa. Entered Congregation of the Mission 1881; ordained 1884; prefect of discipline (1884- 1886), procurator (1886-1889), and president (1889- 1893), St. Vincent's College, Cape Girardeau, Mo.; pastor of St. Joseph's Church, New Orleans, 1893- 1897; rector, Kenrick Seminary, St. Louis, 1897- 1903; pastor, St. Vincent's Church, St. Louis, 1903- 1912; superior of the Missions, Western Province, Congregation of the Mission, 1903- ; rector of St. Stephen's Church, New Orelans, La., 1912-

As student, editor of the "College Message", St. Vincent's College; has contributed to the "American Ecclesiastical Review" and to the secular and Cathohc press. article: : BoNAL, Raymond.

Nugent, Reverend Peter, o.s.b., b. at Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Ireland, 6 February, 1859. Education: Christian Brothers College, Omagh, and St. Mac- artan's Seminary, Monaghan, Ireland; Holy Cross College (Clonliffe), and Majmooth College, Dubhn, Ireland; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland; Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 1882; engaged in parish and mission work in Wyoming and Nebraska, being at various times administrator of the cathedral, Cheyenne, and rector of the cathedral, Lincoln, 1882-1901 ; chaplain, Wyoming State Senate, 1900-1901; went to England and entered the Bene- dictine Order 1901 ; professor of moral theology (1902- 1905), master of novices (1905-1913), St. Thomas's Abbey, Erdington, Birmingham, England; t present, at Abbey of Beuron, S. Germany. As missionary, built convent and organized several parishes, diocese of Cheyenne, Wyoming; organized and presided over Centennial Celebration in honor of Columbus, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1892; many of his sermons published in periodicals. Member of Wyoming Academy of Science and Arts.

ARTICLE: Erdlkgtok Abbey.

Nys, Abb:^ Canon D£sir£, s.t.b., Ph.D., b. at St. L6ger, Belgium, 21 Nov., 1859. Education: seminaries of Bonne Esp^rance and Toumai; Univer- sity of Louvain; University of Leipzig. Ordained 1883; director (1893-1906) and president (1906- ), S^minaire L6on XIII, Louvain; professor of cosmolo- gy, psychology, and chemistry. University of Louvain, 1906- ; canon of the cathedral of Tournai, Knight of the Order of Leopold II; member of the Philosophic Society of Louvain. Author of: "Le probleme cosmologique" (1888); " La notion de temps d'aprfes S. Thomas d'Aquin" (1898); "La notion d'espace au point de vue metaphysique et psychologique" (1900); "La cosmologie" (1903; 2nd ed. 1906); "Les theories sur la nature de I'espace depuis Descartes" (1907): contributor to "La Revue N6o Scolastique' (Louvain).

ARTICLES: Cosuoloqy; Mineelebs, Jean-Fiebhe; Tims.