Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/251

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Taafie, Thomas Gapfnet, m.a., ph.D., b. in New York, 11 April, 1869. Education: St. John's Col- lege, Fordham, New York. Engaged in journalis- tic work at various times on the "New York Sun", "Collier's Weekly", "Donahoe's Magazine", "Cath- olic Review", "Freeman's Journal", etc., 1890- 1898; instructor, St. John's College, Fordham, New York, 1897-1900; instructor in English, College of the City of New York, 1900- ; professor of Eng- hsh. College of Mt. St. Vincent, New York City, 1910- . Has lectured before the Catholic Sum- mer School of America, Maryland Catholic Summer School, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, New York Board of Education. Member of: the United States Catholic Historical Society; Modern Language Association; National Arts Club. Author of: "History of Fordham CoUege" (New York, 1891); pamphlets on literary and historical subjects; collaborator in : "International Encyclopedia"; "En- cyclopedia Americana"; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLES: Alfred the Great; Andrews, William Etjse- Bius; Arden, Edward; Assumption, Little Sisters of the; AuGUSTINIANS OF THE ASSUMPTION; Baily, Thomas; Bard,

Henry, Baron Bromley; Bawden, William; Bellamy, Je- rome; Bellenden, John; Blackburne, Robert; Bulstrode, Richard; Casserly, Patrick S. and Eugene; Cr^vecceur, Hector St. John; Dolman, Charles.

Tacchi-Venturi, Luiqi, ll.d., ph.L., lawyer, b. in Rome, 2 April, 1853. Education: Roman Jesuit CoUege; St. Apollinare and Vatican University degli Studi, Rome. Former president of the Roman Cooperative Bank; connected with the Italian Auditing Office, Referendary 1903-1913, and superior director 1913- ; member of the Administration, Board of Public Charities, and Chief of the Bureau of Railways, and of the Instituti di Previdenza, Rome. Member of: the Society of St. Vincent de Paul; the Council of the City of Rome; Knight Commander of the Equestrian Order of the Crown of Italy; and of the Equestrian Order of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus. Translated from Latin into Italian those portions of the Relevations of St. Bridget relating to the Hves of Christ and the Blessed Virgin; contributor to: "Rivista internazionale di Scienze Sociali", "Rivista delle Discipline Carcerarie".

ARTICLES: Italy; Oliva, Gian Paolo.

Tallon, Reverend William Thomas, s.j., b. at Hoboken, New Jersey, 9 February, 1881. Educa- tion: Sacred Heart Academy, Hoboken; St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; professor in various Jesuit colleges 1904^1909; ordained 1912; stationed at St. Francis Xavier's Col- lege, New York, 1913-1914; professor of Latin, Greek and English, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, 1915; at present professor of rhetoric at No- vitiate of St. Andrew, Poughkeepsie, New York. ARTICLE: Melia, Pius.

Tannrath, Reverend John Joseph, b. at St. Louis, 26 April, 1864. Education: St. Louis Uni- versity, St. Louis; St. Joseph's College, Teutopolis, Illinois; St. Meinrad's Seminary, St. Meinrad, In- diana. Ordained 1888; has held the post of assistant, St. Charles, Missouri, St. Mary's Church and St. John's Church, St. Louis; vice-chancellor, archdiocese

of St. Louis, 1897-1910; rector, St. Agnes's Church, St. Louis, 1898- ; chancellor, archdiocese of St. Louis, 1910- ABTICLE: St. Louis, Archdiocese of.

Tamowski, Count Stanislaus, b. at Dzikow,

Galicia, Austria, 7 November, 1837. Education: Gymnasium, Cracow; Universities of Cracow and Vienna. Condemned to eight years imprisonment for participation in the Pohsh uprising, 1863; par- doned 1865; founded with Szujski and Kozmian "Przeglad Polski" 1866; delegate to the Landtag, GaUcia, Austria, 1867- ; successively lecturer on and professor (1869-1909) and (at present) pro- fessor emeritus of the History of Polish Literature, and rector (1887, 1900), University of Cracow; mem- ber of the Austrian House of Lords 1885- Chairman of the deputation which presented the painting of Matejko, "Sobieski after the Battle of Vienna'^, to Leo XIII, 1883. President of the Acad- emy of Sciences of Cracow; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Vienna; Commander of the Order of Pius IX, with star; Commander of the Austrian Order of Francis Joseph, with star; Commander of the Austrian Order of Leopold (1st class; grand cordon). Author of: "Die poHtischen Schriftsteller des XVI. Jahrhunderts", 2 vols. (1886); "Johann Kochanowski" (1888); " Schillers Dramen " (1896); "Johann Matejko" (1897); "Geschichte der polnischen Literatur", 7 vols. (1900-1907); "Sig- mund Krasinski" (1902); "JuUan Klaczko", 2 vols. (1909); contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLES: Kalinka, Valerian; Klaczku, Julian; Kocha- nowski, Jan; Kochowski, Vespasian; Konarski, Stanislaus; Kozmian, Stanislaus and John; Krasicki, Ignatius; Kra- sinski, Sigismund; Krzycki, Andrew; Mickiewicz, Adam; Polish Literature; Skarga, Peter; Sobieski, John; Sta- RowoLSKi, Simon; Szujski, Joseph; Szymonowicz, Simon; Ujejski, Cohnelis; Zolkiewski, Stanislaus.

Tavemier, EtrcfeNE, journalist, b. at Tours, France, 1854. Education: Jesuit College, Amiens, France. Secretary to Louis VeuiUot, editor of the "Univers", Paris, 1874-1878; editor of "Courrier du Jura" 1878-1883; editor of the "Univers", Paris, 1883-1912; lecturer on journalism, Social Science Department, Catholic University, Lille, 1894^1897; at present, resident in Paris. Author of: "Du journaMsme" (Paris, 1902); "La morale et I'esprit laique" (Paris, 1903); "La religion nouvelle" (Paris, 1905); "Le Modernisme", pamphlet (Paris, 1912): "Louis VeuiUot, I'homme, le lutteur, l'écrivain' (Paris, 1913); "Trois entretiens sur la guerre" (translation from the Russian of Vladimir Soloviev, with a biography of Soloviev, Paris, 1916); contribu- tor to: "Revue des Deux Mondes"; " Correspondant" ; "Quinzaine"; "The Times" (London); "Nineteenth Century"; "Dublin Review"; "Fortnightly Review"; "America"; "La Patrie" (Paris); "La D6peche" (Lille). ARTICLE: Veuillot, Louis.

Taylor, Arthur Whitcombe, b.a., b. in London, 21 April, 1867, d. in London, 25 March, 1913. Edu- cation: Westminster School, London; Worcester College, Oxford. Schoohnaster 1889-1890; Angli- can clergyman 1890; curate of Grantham, Lincoln- shire, 1890-1892, of St. Saviour's Church, Ealing, London, 1892-1893, of Talaton, Devonshire, 1893-