Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/257

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of the American Irish Historical Society", Vol. X (by Mr. Troy: "Stephen MaUory White").

ARTICLE: White, Stephen Mallory.

Turner, Right Reverend Monsignob James P., D.D., b. at Philadelphia, 18 January, 1857. Educa- tion: St. Philip's School, Philadelphia; St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook, Pennsylvania. Ordained 1885; secretary to Bishop Machebeuf, Denver, Colorado, 1886; secretary to Archbishop Ryan, Philadelphia, 1899; chancellor (1901-1911) and former vicar- general, archdiocese of Philadelphia; domestic prelate 1905; prothonotary Apostolic 1906; rector, Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Philadelphia, 1911- . Member of the Philadelphian Literary Society, American Catholic Historical Society, Philadelphia Geographical Society, National Geo- graphical Society, American Academy of Political and Social Science; on the Board of Directors, Rush Hospital for Consumption and Alhed Diseases, and American Hospital for Diseases of the Stomach. Contributor to: "Catholic World"; contributor and managing editor, "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; supervising editor, "Annals of the Taber- nacle Society".

ARTICLES: Ryan, Patrick John; Tabernacle Society.

Turner, Reverend Joseph Oswald, c.s.j., b. at Weedon, England, 1849; d. at Weybridge, 24 April, 1917. Education: Seminary, VOhers, France. Entered the Congregation of St. Joseph 1871; ordained 1893; former master at St. Joseph's Institute, Grammont, Belgium (five years) ; at St. Stanislaus College, Tirle- mont, Belgium (three years); prefect of studies (25 years) and president (1908-1912), St. George's College, Weybridge, England. Contributor to "The Georgian" (St. George's CoDege, Weybridge). ARTICLE: Josefhites.

Turner, Right Reverend William, d.d., b. at Aberdeen, Scotland, 12 December, 1844; d. 19 January, 1914. Education: parish school at Glen- livet, Banffshire, and seminary at Blairs, Aberdeen, Scotland; Scots College and Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1868; assistant rector, St. Patrick's Church, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1868-1877; rector at Dumfries, Scotland, 1877-1893; Bishop of Galloway 1893-1914. As rector at Dumfries, organized Benefit Societies and a Penny Savings Bank. Former member of: the Dumfries School Board, the Dum- fries Parish Council for the Administration of the Poor Law, the Board of Managers of the Royal Infirmary, Dumfries.

ARTICLE: Galloway, Diocese of.

Turner, Reverend William, b.a., d.d., b. at Limerick, Ireland, 8 April, 1871. Education: Na- tional schools, Limerick; Mungret College, near Limerick; Royal University of Ireland; American College, Rome; Cathohc Institute, Paris. Ordained 1893; professor of Latin and logic, College of St. Thomas (1894^1895), professor of philosophy, St.

Paul Seminary (1895-1903), rector, St. Luke's Church (1905-1906), St. Paul, Minnesota; librarian and professor of philosophy, Catholic University, Washington, 1906- . Recipient of Benemerenti medal of the Roman Academy of St. Thomas, for a commentary on St. Thomas's "De Anima", 1893. Author of: "History of Philosophy" (Boston, 1903; Italian tr., "Storia della filosofia", Verona, 1904); "Lessons in Logic" (Washington, 1911); contributor to: "American Cathohc Quarterly Review"; "Catho- hc World"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "America"; "Philosophical Review"; "Journal of Philosophy"; "Irish Theological Quarterly"; editor of "Catholic University Bulletin".

ARTICLES: Abelahd, Peter; Adelard of Bath; jEneas of Gaza; Alain de l'Isle; Alexander of Hales; Arabian School of Philosophy; Argyropulos, John; Aristotle; Avempace; Avehroes; Avicebron; Avicenna; B^renger, Pierre; Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus; Bruno, Giordano; Buridan, John; Carlovingian Schools; Celsub THE Platonist; Chahtulary; Cynic School of Philosophy; Cyhenaic School of Philosophy; David of Din ant; Donatub of Fiesole; Dunqal; Eriugena, John Scotus; Exttl Hiberni- cub; Fredegis of Tours; Gerard of Cremona; Hegelianism; Herrad of Landsbbrg; Honoriub of Antun; Ionian School OF Philosophy; John of Janduno; Kant, Philosophy of; Leibniz, System of; Logic; Maimonides, Moses, Teaching of; Marianus Scotus (2); Megarians; Melissus of Samos; Metaphysics; Michael Scotus; Monad; Monism; Neo- Platonism; Neo-Pythagorean Philosophy; Plato and Platonism; Plethon, Georgius Gemistub; Pragmatism; Pyrrhonism; Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism; Ramus, Peter; Raymond Lully; Raymond of Sabunde; Remigiub of Auxerre; Robert op CouRgoN; Robert of Melun; Robert PuLLUs; Scholasticism; Schools; Sedulius Scotus; Socrates; Sophists; Summ.b; Sylvester, Bernard; Telebio, Bernar- dino; Theodore of Gaza; Theodohic of Chartres; Thomas OF Strabburg; Transcendentalism; Vergilius of Salzburg, Saint; Walter of Mortagne; Walter of St-Victor; William of Advergne; William of Auxerre; William of Champeaux; William of Conches; William of Occam; William of St- Amour; Zeno of Elea.

Tyne, Thomas James, ll.b., lawyer, b. at Nash- ville, Tennessee, 29 November, 1868, son of James W. and Catherine Healy Tyne, of BaUingarry, Co. Tipperary, Ireland. Education: public and parochial schools and Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Ad- mitted to the Bar 1890; former partner of P. M. Estes under firm name of Tyne and Estes; afterwards partner of Ernest Pillow under firm name of Pillow and Tyne; represented Davidson County, Tennessee, in State Legislature, 1893; as Assemblyman, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, chairman of the Committee on Municipal Affairs, and member of various other committees; married Jane Ratterman 1898; at present, practising lawyer, and General Counsel of the National Life and Accident Insurance Company, Nashville. Candidate for Governor of Tennessee, but defeated, 1912; participated in move- ment to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the admission of Tennessee into the Union, and first General Coimsel of the Tennessee Centennial Exposi- tion Company, 1896; as Assemblyman, chairman of the committee to investigate articles of impeachment against Judge DuBose of Tennessee; with B. R. Thomas and John A. Tipton elected to prosecute impeachment in Tennessee Senate. ARTICLE: Tennessee.